Dr. Aguirre's Apartments
Has anyone stayed in one of Dr. Aguirre's apartments lately? We will be leaving a week from this Wednesday (a group of 5 of us), staying in both of the apartments. To save money, we want to eat as much as possible in the apartments. I know Nancy (Ms G) and I won't be eating much because of surgery, but my husband and our 2 friends will want to. Did I read somewhere that you should take a hot plate? Are there pots and pans? Are the fans sufficient for mid-August heat? Any suggestions on what we should take or buy when we get there or buy in San Diego?

The apartments have everthing you need to cook. There is a water cooler in each apartment because in Mexico you do not drink water from the faucet. There is a coffee maker and micro in both and pots, pans, dishes, silverware. there is even some food. Most of us have left things like mustard, ketchup,salt and pepper, coffee filters, coffee and stuff behind because there is no reason for everyone to keep buying the same stuff just to use a little bit. There is no need for a hotplate because you have a stove and oven. there is a toaster, everything!
The fans work well but it is hot and there is no air conditioning. Just make sure to keep the hot out by closing up during the day. You know you are from Wenatchee. there are little stores on every corner in Ensenada and one big one, Gigante, a few blocks from the apartments.
It is really too hot to cook much. there is a wonderful fruit and vegie stand close to Cardiomed. The fruit is not all polished like in Safeway but is fresh and tasty, yummy.
The apartments are very comfortable and well supplied! good luck!
Dear Canela:
Thank you for sharing with me about the apartments and answering so many questions of mine! It sounds like the apartments will be just perfect for everything we will need. I sure hope they get a record cold spell in mid-August! One thing I can't stand is being hot! It has been so hot here lately that I stay inside in the air conditioning as much as possible. I can't wait to get thinner so the heat doesn't affect me so badly.

I am so glad you ask that my husband and I were wondering the same thing. We want to do the same thing while we are there. We will be going to a hotel when you arrive I hope they at least have a coffee pot to hea****er in to make broth for myself. I am hoping if they don't that Rosella will be able to tell us somewhere close by the Posada El Rey Sol to get something that my husband will like and that I will be able to have. Good luck and hope to see you there we are going to be there until the 14th. I am a little leary about there grocery stores there I hope the food labels are in English and Spanish since neither of us know Spanish. Debbie
Dear Debbie:
We sure hope we do see you there! You will be coming over to the clinic to see Dr. Aguirre before you leave, won't you? Perhaps we can connect then? Perhaps my husband and I can sneak out after Nancy's surgery on the 12th and we can have a cab bring us to see you if you are going to be at your motel in the afternoon sometime. How about leaving us a note in the apartments about what would be better for you and the phone # of where you will be staying? You must be leaving very shortly for Ensenada! I pray that everything goes just perfect for you! God bless, Eileen D

Debbie -
My mom and I stayed at the Posada El Ray Sol in February. There are several restaurants within a block of the hotel that have good food and are very willing to give you whatever you want. At the one that's right at the hotel I had "Chicken with Rice soup, hold the chicken, hold the rice" a couple of days after I got out of the surgery. I took some sugar free gels (a little stiffer than jello) with me because they didn't need refrigeration, but the one thing that I really liked was herbal tea. Any restaurant will give you ho****er to make your tea. If you like it sweet, take some Splenda packets with you. And yes, the Posada does have coffee makers in the rooms.
Dear Canela:
Ohhhhhhh! We are leaving the morning of the 11th and won't be back till the evening of the 18th. I would have loved to meet you and see your scar and talk about your experience. Poohey! We'll have to try to get together sometimes afterwards. Then we can show each other our scars.
Blessings, Eileen D