how to find out if Dr. Aguirre has experience performing
gastric bypass on supersize patients? I weigh almost
500 lbs and my HMO won't even consider surgery until I lose 100 lbs. If I could lose weight without surgery, I wouldn't need surgery! Meanwhile, my comorbidities aren't getting any better.
Thanks in advance!

Before I left Mexico Dr. Aguirre said he had been contacted by someone who weighed 700lbs. He said he was going to do the surgery because no one else (like here in the US) would help this lady. If you email him he will tell you! His daughter, Rosella, handles his appointments and her email is [email protected]. Rosella can tell you all about their patients and about her father's experience. Also, as DW said there are a couple on Dr.Aguirre's site that weighed over 400! Check out the profiles for all this info. Good luck!