Lap band adjustments
For those of you who have already had your Lap Band surgery in Mexico (or other areas) but live in the US, what do you do for your adjustments? What about follow up care? My wife and I are considering the trip to Mexico as an option since neither of us are on insurancest that will cover the surgery, but I worry about getting it done outside of the US like I'm sure everyone does. Just can't get past the stigma of what I've seen of Mexico, ya know. Plus, the whole aftercare thing really worries me. I was under the impression that there was a considerable amount of aftercare required after these surgeries. Am I wrong?
Thanks in advance.
I understand your nervousness about going to Mexico, I am sure there are some places you have seen that scare you but I can tell from my own experience that there are some very good doctors in Mexico and very good hospitals. I personally had lap band surgery with Dr. Aceves in mexicali. I have not regreted it for a minute!
The lap band surgery does not require a lot of aftercare other than the adjustments. This was a concern for me, I had 2 options: 1) going back to dr aceves in Mexicali or 2) finding a doctor locally to have the adjustments done. Their coordinator helped me with a list of doctors in the states that do adjustments for people who had their surgery in Mexico. Depending on where you live there might be a doctor in your own city that can help you. I do recommend you get this settled before having surgery so you don't have to worry about it after.
I can tell you that this doctor is really great and I am very happy to have had surgery with him, you can check out his patient forum int his site to see what other patients say about him. You can also visit you will find they are very helpful and nice.
By the way, for my first adjustment I went back to Mexico ( he does them for free) I am not sure if I will have the second one here or go back , I feel so comfortable with him and have doen so good that I don't want to change a thing!
lap band-dr aceves
I guess i have a different opinion about aftercare than some of the others.
I think that aftercare is one of the most important factors in the surgery. For most people who have no problems with the surgery it really isn't a big deal, once you get started, but having something go wrong without aftercare is something that is absolutely scary! It's like not having a doctor at all (in my opinion of course
). The aftercare for me has been a God send! (no problems for me) I get my nutritional advice there, and all sorts of support and answers to any question i have. (Plus they will find a doctor once i move to do my fills.)
Ok the fill question:
My main doc is in Seattle. He works closely with Dr. Rumbaut in Monterrey and sends all of the cash pay patients to Monterrey for their surgeries. Everything is taken care of in the States (billing, hotel reservations, everything.) So basically my surgeon is in Monterrey and everything else is in Seattle. I go for my fills in Seattle as well as any aftercare i may need. Since i live in Canada at the moment they also found me a doc near by in case of a life or death emergency. I don't mind traveling for the fills and the mandatory check ups. the rest of it i do over the phone. that's where most of my aftercare has taken place. and i have needed the support as i said before and those phone calls always help me in one way or another even though it's not face to face.
Going to Mexico is hard to get used to at first. The stigma of it all. I had a hard time with that too. However from my experience in Monterrey and others who have had it done in Mexicalli and other places the doctors are great and the hospitals are very nice. You can always tour the facility first and ask your prospective doctors about it.
I would just say to RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH! Talk to people, talk to doctors and
call in your local areas and see if any weight loss surgeons around have any connections with docs in Mexico like mine does. I believe that's the way to go if there is one in Houston? (right? sorry can't remember where you are from at the moment and it's not showing up) Then you don't have to worry about traveling to Mexico for fills and the like.
Definately also check out Dr. Rumbaut. He is a bandster and can give you some great info even if you decide to go somewhere else! All of his staff and him speak great English so don't be afraid of the phone!
Good luck and email me anytime with questions!