No Family Suport!! they say every thing is fake ....
C B.
on 7/16/04 7:19 am - Oak Park, IL
on 7/16/04 7:19 am - Oak Park, IL
oooooo you are so sweet to offer to meet. I thank You so very much.
I am so happy that you are doing so well.
Im sure your family is happy to .
Thank You again. I am so thankful for your wonderful support.
It sounds like your assesment of your mother being jeolous of you may be true. It sounds like she knows this is the real deal and is just trying to get a rise out of you. She is "grasping at straws".
I know it might be next to impossible but can you cut her off? Just in this part of your life? Don't talk about your wls and if she brings it up ignore her until the subject is changed. I don't know...????
I have a great article about intimate saboteurs who will try anything to talk you out of your choice. (from my doctor) If you want it i will send it to you for your DH to read.
It is shocking that she has had the surgery and is not willing to let you enjoy the kind of success she has had. It is a life saver, literally. And she must know that.
I hope it gets worked out soon. Stay strong and do what is right for you.
Hi Cher,
Dont worry, like you said - you are a big girl and at the end what you do with your body it should only be your decision. If your mom wants to be negative about it, let it be, you know what? - thats her problem not yours. She should not be intimidating your DH, all she is doing is confusing him and not realizing how much she is hurting you.--- You need to start making you plans on wls, and not count on her -dont even tell her when you are getting it done- If you have to, dont talk to her about it. Just do it - at least you have your DH to be with you..
Wishing you best of luck.
Belkys.....just be

C B.
on 7/16/04 7:24 am - Oak Park, IL
on 7/16/04 7:24 am - Oak Park, IL
Thank You so very much for your wonderful support. I feel honord that you replyed to my Post I always see you around in other post!
God bless all of you who have taken the time to reply and give me the strong support that I ever so needed!


Hi Cher,
I'd be more than happy to meet your mother and husband. I live in Milwaukee so I must only be an hour or two from you. Turst me, I am not fake and this whole experience has been very real. You know what, someone from my work actually told me she was afraid about this same thing when I first decided to go to Dr. Aguirre.
I am sure your mom is worried about you and this must be her way of dealing with her fears. Trust me, I am a real worrier, and have never felt more confident about a decision than when I decided to go ahead with surgery.
Be strong and know that you have to decide what is best for you - no one else can. You have a great resource in this web site and Dr. A's patient forum. Everyone is so supportive and willing to help.
Take care,
That is EXACTLY why I didn't tell my mother prior to my surgery. I waited until after I returned. She was mad as hell for a while-- I still don't think she realizes that I went to Mexico-- I told her southern California--well- that IS where I flew to! Here is my advice: Research, and talk with as many people on this forum as you can and then..... Go with your gut feelings..... Remember, this is YOUR body, YOUR life and YOUR decision..... NOT your mother's. And it really isn't any business of your mother's who paid for it, or how much it cost. And I am VERY real.
When you return from surgery and your new healthier life begins she will pipe down. My mom did-- she is just glad now that I am much healthier--no more high blood sugar, no more high blood pressure, etc. I am a VERY happy patient of Dr. Aguirre-- I've lost 130 pounds in a little under 8 months. And I was lucky to have Mary Gomez's sister (who is a nurse) observe my surgery and she was VERY impressed with Dr. A's skills. He is very open and honest and a wonderful doctor. I owe him my life-- I don't know how much longer I could have survived at my 412 pound weight. I was a heart attack or stroke waiting to happen. I just got my latest blood work back-- and my PCP couldn't be happier....I still have a lot of weight to lose--but I am happy that I did it. I would be happy to email with you or your mother about this surgery, and about your choice of doctor.
I am just another one supporting you. People will give you a lot negativity regarding weight loss surgery before and after you do it. It's not only the Mexico thing it is also about the surgery. What all this persons can't know is how much our lives have changed and how thankful we are we had the opportuity to do this and the guts I might add. Just follow your heart, you will know when something is right for you. I am pretty sure that after you have done it your family will come around. when you are healthier, happier and thin
they won't be able to be but happy for you.
lapband-dr aceves

C B.
on 7/21/04 1:27 pm - Oak Park, IL
on 7/21/04 1:27 pm - Oak Park, IL
I feel You all here are my family!
Everyone here is so Nice and suportive. I thank all of you so very much.
thank you