No Family Suport!! they say every thing is fake ....
C B.
on 7/15/04 6:35 am - Oak Park, IL
on 7/15/04 6:35 am - Oak Park, IL
My Mom threatend My DH yesterday. (mind you she told my DH not to say anything to me)
She said that all these people that I talk to here on AMOS are fake and that Dr.A pays them all to pull me in to beleive that they have had the surgrey and so on. You get the picture.
She told my DH if He pays for me to go to Mexico and have the surgery and something hapens to me She will bring him down!!! She has frigen Lost it! When DH told me this I was madder than MAD!!! He asked me not to say anything to her. He knows how i am.
My Mother had said earlyer in the day to me that she went to her monthly WLS meating and she told them about me and my choice and they all couldnt believe what i was doing and i should be careful it probably all fake and that Dr.A just wants my Money.
When she said this to me! I SAID HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME! HOW DARE YOU JUDGE ME THAT I WOULDNT DO MY OWN REASERCH. I BELEIVE IN MYSELF AND TRUST PEOPLE IN THIS WORLD. I AM NOT CLOSED MINDED LIKE YOU! THE bottom line was how dare she judge me and think that I dont love myself enough to check everything out. I explaind how all of you are so suportive of each other. She asked if anyone was from Illinois I said of corse they are from all over the US and Canada. Then she says lets try to meat the one from Illinois. I was floord! I said OH NOW you want to be a mom and act like you care! I have done everything on my own since I was young. To late for her to be a Mom now.
She has had WLS herself and all she has done since I decided to have WLS is point out the negativity that she has come across, Mind you that she has brought on her self! She is very jeaolus of my life. So now she feels that AAAA HAAAA now i will convince her not to have the surgery.
I am a big girl and I will do what I want . I have done my reasearch and I trust all that you have told me.
So sorry about going on and on. But its because of this board that i think I am still alive. I have had days where i dont want to go on. then I hit this board and the Love and Understanding is Overwhelming. Thank You for reading my Long problem today.
Now I just have to conveince my DH that My mom will not harm him if he pays for wls. If he dont Pay I will sell my CAR.
Cher, I dont know if it will help but I am more than willing to speak to your mother. None of this is fake. I can't imagine anyone being so mean! Dr. Aguirre is a very nice man and I can't ever imagine him or anyone on his staff doing anything for the money. Yes, they earn money but don't we all! Please tell me how I can help!
I know, bring your mother to the reunion in LasVegas. She will meet everyone there!
C B.
on 7/15/04 11:00 am - Oak Park, IL
on 7/15/04 11:00 am - Oak Park, IL
Thank You so very much for all your support and replys.
I agree with you I couldnt imagine anyone being so mean eaither!
My Mother is a very Negative Person and all my life she has never trusted or beleived in anyone not even Me.
When is the reunion in LasVegas? i know i seen it here on the board but i cant remember.
Thank You again my Dear Friend.
God Bless.
Thank You again Canela.

Cher, I'm so sorry that your mother feels that way and tried to bully your husband. But she is SO wrong. I'd be willing to talk to her also. Or to your husband if he needs convincing. I'm a nurse and was very thorough in rersearching Dr. A. as you and all the rest of those that have been to him have been. I'll keep your situation in prayer. Janice
C B.
on 7/15/04 11:47 am - Oak Park, IL
on 7/15/04 11:47 am - Oak Park, IL
Thank You so very much for your time and kind words of support!
God Bless

I can tell you that my story and pictures are not fake. I was very lucky that my parents were supportive of my surgery. The reunion is Nov 5-7 in Las Vegas. For more information please email me at [email protected] or go to the profile 2004 Reunion
C B.
on 7/15/04 1:37 pm - Oak Park, IL
on 7/15/04 1:37 pm - Oak Park, IL
Thank You.
I have read your profile in the past and I know your story is true.It's just my Mom is being a pain where i sit.
You look fantastic and I bet your feeling great to! I can not waite to be a looser. I will do whats right for me and my health. I will sell my car if I have to!
Grace I look forward to meating you and everyone else here, In Viva Las Vegas in Nov!!!
I wish you all the best and Thank You again for your sinser support

I think that is a sign of her ignorance....ignorance in that she is not able to determine for herself what is real and what isn't.
The photos of the people here are far from being faked. I don't know anyone who would think they would want to spend their time online trying to fake others out. I am real - my scar is real (and no, I'm not taking a picture of it!
Many people already have those up anyway). Our experiences are very real and very positive. Of course, you don't need the convincing - that would be that person who won't listen to you in the first place.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Maybe she should check out the people's profiles and see all the pictures they have posted. That should keep her busy for awhile.
Meanwhile - good for you for sticking to your guns and not letting her drag you down. It definitely sounds like she has some emotional issues.

C B.
on 7/16/04 7:12 am - Oak Park, IL
on 7/16/04 7:12 am - Oak Park, IL
Thank You for your support!
I plan on sticking to my guns and doing whats right for me and My Health.