Dr. Alejandro Aguirre (Christa LaMar's case)
Rosella A.
on 7/13/04 5:22 am - Ensenada, Mexico
on 7/13/04 5:22 am - Ensenada, Mexico
Anytime that a surgeon does his work, there is always a posibility of complications.
In the case of Christa LaMar we are very sorry for her complications, and for the time that her surgeron had to go through.
She was not our case, but this does not means that we are exempt of having any type of complications.
Thank you for your attention and comprehension.
Dr. Alejandro Aguirre
I was very concerned about Christa and was wondering what happened. I contacted Rosella because I was under the impression from Christa's profile that she had gone to Dr. Aguirre. She was operated on in Tijuana not by Dr. Aguirre.
As Rosella said, we all feel for anyone who has complications and we are glad that Christa is doing better but we do not want anyone thinking that Dr. Aguirre performed her surgery.

Rosella & Dr. Aguirre -
Thank you so much for clearing this up. I hadn't heard of Christa until someone mentioned this. It was very confusing since she had the duodenal switch and we knew you didn't do this.
I really appreciate the fact that you took the time to address this in such a kind manner.
Hugs to you both! Dina

Can anyone tell me what happened to Christa LaMar? I know now that Dr. A did not do the surgery but she has been on my mind and since now that its been planted in my head, I want to know how she is doing and who the Dr. that did it in case anyone in the future decides to go that route, it would be playing it safe and protecting someone in the future so it doesn't happen again.
Anette -
I know very very little - only what I've read here and on the main board. I only know now that she went to Tijuana to have the duodenal switch. She went home and got very sick about a week or so after surgery I believe. She has been in the hospital ever since, but apparently (I think) she just got out of the hospital...which is always a good sign!
I hope someone else might be able to clarify the rest - I'm just going on my (poor) memory!