Christa Lamar
This is the communication I had with Denise who is a friend of her's.
Denise Saxby"
Subject: Re: Operation
I really don't know, she said he told her about how with the DS she could eat more and no dumping so she changed her mind. She isn't blaming anyone but personally I do. I just hope this doesn't happen to anyone else.
Anne wrote:
Thank you for the information, but I thought Dr. A. only did RNY, why did she change her mind, maybe Dr. A. does not have enough experience with DS???
Denise Saxby wrote: Anne,
My friend went to Dr. Aguirre in Mexico in febuary this year, shorty after she returned home she began experiencing pain in her stomach area. Soon they found a leak on the top and after checking into it some more they found out her stomach wasn't attatched at the bottom either. Christa almost died, she had a total of 3 operations I believe. The second one they only gave her a 20% chance of living through. She had the Duodenal Switch, she had originally wanted the RNY but changed her mind after Dr. Aguirre told her about the DS. She was originally supposed to have the same surgeon I had, but when she found out insurance had stopped paying(at least temporarily) she decided to go to Mexico.
I am so glad she is recovering at last.
Please be careful & let me know if you have any other questions.
Take Care,
Anne wrote:
I acquired your name through Becky at Obesity .com. Wondering how your friend is doing, my prayers are going her way. Can you tell me what happened to her in her surgery and how she felt when she knew something was not right. I am also going to have surgery in I am scared.....Give her my regards.....Anne