Lots of DS info
Hi Guys:
I'm thinking about having the DS surgery. Very few people know very much about it. I want to make the best decision possible, so I'm "doing the research". I'll be glad to share my information with the group. Please share what you have with us.
I'm considering the DS, but get a bit nervous when I read about constant diarhea, etc. Anyone have any thoughts on this-?
If you are considering DS in Mexico, Dr. Ungson is the only one I found. Here is his web site www.drungson.com
If you want to go to Spain, Dr. Baltazar seems to be the man to see. His web site is www.drbaltasar.com
There seems to be a lot of good information with lots of links at the following web site. www.growley.com/mywls/links.html
Also a lot of info here www.duodenalswitch.com.
There is an interesting DS group called a "web ring" at this address
Keep the info flowing, guys and we'll soon all be "in the know"
Ray B.
C B.
on 6/30/04 6:13 am - Oak Park, IL
on 6/30/04 6:13 am - Oak Park, IL
Raymond Your the best GREAT INFO!
I have a Sep appointment with DR.A in Ensanada Mexico for a Open RNY. I didnt know that Dr.U dose Lap RNY. I am going to look more into it.Originaly I to like you wanted to have the DS. no dumping when you have DS. But very loose bowl movements and you have to take much more protein and vitamins. But in the long run the succsess rate is higher or I should the maintance is higher. I hope you get what im trying to say. ever since i got this SEP date Ive been a nurvus reck!!!
I do apprecate all your reasearch effort! Thank You
(sorry to say im not a very good speller)

I have researched all this for about five years. I was really leaning towards DS but I went to a DSers meeting here and I just was not ready for all the diarrhea. Dumping is really not fun. I have now done it twice, once big time. I have to tell you that both times I did it to myself and I knew it ahead of time. I just did not follow my gut instinct. Funny gut instinct.
I think the dumping is controllable but the pooping is not!