Meal Question
I will be having surgery soon, but my husband wanted me to post this question? I guess it really is for the spouses. Anyway he feels that I will no longer want to cook for him. Being that I will not be that hungry and if I can eat it then he should not either. Has anyone had this problem and how have you dwelt with it. My husband has been very supportive, but is bothered I guess that he will have to do his own cooking???

At 1 month post-op I cook more now than I ever did (which was never).
My own dietary needs are so specific, it's easier to make extra of something I can eat than make two different things, or just settle for what they're having even though it's not good for me.
Because I measure everything for myself fanatically, I'd rather plate my own food, so I can be sure each component gets weighed and logged properly.
I had this problem...I used to cook three meals a day..(ok, breakfast was oatmeal in the crock pot, but hey, it required turning the thing on and measuring so I counted it)..and immediately post op there was no freaking way I could cook. NONE. Mentally and physically.
I had a lot of meals frozen that my partner nuked for the kids and himself, and he and the kids also ate his specialy, pasta and chicken.
I'm only just starting to gradually cook dinner again.
Luckily, my partner was extremely supportive of this entire process, and didn't complain once. Just told me he'd do whatever it took for me to be healthy.
Tell your hubby you can stay fat and keep cooking till you drop over dead in a few years from _____ (whatever your current most serious health issue is) OR you can go get surgery and get healthy and he can suck it up for a little while.
Seriously, this is an issue? He needs to reevaluate his priorities, and learn to run a freaking microwave, the big baby. Hullo? this is your LIFE you're talking about.
q E.
on 7/15/04 1:54 am - e, e
on 7/15/04 1:54 am - e, e
i never thought about this lol. geeze now whatta i do?? lol. my hubby is my WORST down fall! HE his skinny self buys AND brings home the food including sodas etc! i NEVER ask for stuff but if he buys it and brings it home ill eat it! its like bringing crack home to an addict! then griping because they subcomed to the EVIL substance.