Protein/plus how I am doing
Hi all!!!
I am out of surgery from April 14th, Just the thought of drinking a protien shake kills me. I can't even look at the bottle. Can't their be anythign else in the store that I can buy aside from that chocolate yukky atkins protein drink or anything? Is this as equal as eating protein such as tofu,soups and tuna fish?
Beleive it or not I am stilll pretty weak after surgery, and I did have complications. My dr. in the usa was very mad at me for going to Mexico and I flat out told him that if insurance was going to pay for my I would have stayed in the us. I tell you these surgeons here have no soul. In response he says, well thats the price you pay for when you get surgery done out of the united states. Dr.'s would not want pateints getting surgery else where because they don't get paid. I sat their and balled my eyes out. I am still wearing my g tube that still spills out my biles so now they can try to track what my bowels are doing. When I came back home My food, bile,stuff inside where being ubstructed and I was sent to the ER and then Sent to the University of Washington Hospital, as of now they are x raying me and making me drink this white chalky thing and then they either wathc to see if I am okay or I need to go under surgery again to clear my bowels. Maybe one thing I wish I asked is how many complications did my surgeon have??? I had Dr. Aguirre, but I don't think he did anything wrong, I was soooo sick coming out of surgyer I gagged and dry heaved all the way back to the us I am one that is very sensitieve to meds and comiing out of getting sick it takes awhile for me as well. I still feel icky that is why I havent posted in a while.
Hi Annette,
I am sorry that you still not feeling well.
I also had surgery by Dr. Aguirre on April 9 and I just started to drink protein sheiks. Before I could not tolerate them at all too. Right now I drink Slim Fast the one is low in sugar and I also eat tuna fish, cheese, smoked turkey breast, beans and soups etc.
Get well and keep in touch
I've been wondering about you lately - how completely awful of your doctor to be so rude. Fact is complications like bowel obstruction - or WORSE happen right here in the US all the time. There is no country with a monopoly on skilled medical professionals.
Have you tried the flavorless protein powders? I read about people mixing them with yogurt or soup... I think this is my next step.
Maybe you could e-mail Susan Maria - I'm sure if there's a product out there she knows about it.
Good luck, and keep us updated on your status!
Okay, I emailed you and told you I would come to help out. The UW hospital??? Oh my, they send people there when there is a big problem. Are you really doing okay or are you trying to fool us? I assume you have a good support system at home with you. If you don't please let us know. I am very close!!!! I mean it.
Everyone says the same thing about the protein drinks. I like them. I even like the vanilla. I always have. I bet I will hate them soon!
Has anyone told you what happened or why it happened. I don't want you to be the WLS poster child but we could all learn from your misery. Sorry if that sounds crass. I certainly don't mean it that way. It just helps to know everything!
Take care and email if you need something. I could stop by and pick up a six pack on my way. Of protein drinks!!!!!

No Canela,
I am serious I been to the UW and I live in Federal Way this is where the other surgeon jack ass told me to go, I don't know what I should be thinking right now. I know you will be going to see Dr. Aguirre soon. He is really a sweet surgeon. I hate felling misserable. Sometimes I think if my bills will make us forclose our home and having to sell it. I dunno. I just been in limbo and I am trying to walk as much as I could. I had another g tube put in me this is not the same from Mexico. This one is where the radiologist put in for me so they can watch my bowels.
I will try the vanillla slimfast powder.
Any other foods out there any of you tried that worked okay.
I notice Dina you drink diet vanilla coke, god I a m soo cravy coke cola sooo bad. What can I drink in its place to quench my thirst and craving. Doesnt the sugar make you dump????
I been on the forum room but I have not responded. JUst trying to picture eating a buffalo pizza and pop (Dina) you have a tough gutt!!!! a small trickle of sugar Its all over for me. I start sweating and dry heaving the room starts to spin and my blood pressure starts going up as well.
I will keep you guys posted day to day if i can.
Annette -
How long were you in Mexico for? Did you leave before you could get the g-tube out or did Dr. Aguirre indicate you needed to keep it in longer? I know many people want to up and leave quickly but I just feel there is a defnite need to wait it out and stick around in case of complications.
Your doctor there in WA is a class-a jerk. He is just projecting his biases without even knowing what he is talking about. Had you gone to a doctor in say Kansas and gone back to WA with the same problem, no doubt he wouldn't have given you the Mexico lecture. Fact of the matter is that I know very few people who have had complications with Dr. Aguirre, but I constantly hear of others who have them in the US. They will happen with all surgeons.
Honestly I think you need to find a new surgeon who is more understanding and caring toward you. You don't need to deal with this crap as you are trying to heal up. Just incredible to me....
There is a surgeon who just opened his doors in Ashland down here who is taking patients who have had doctors from elsewhere. I feel like if he is this kind about it, why can't others? No one else would consider seeing me for follow up!!!
I hope to hear from you often and get updates on how you are doing. I do know of many people from the US who have had complications, so you are not alone. Don't let the doctor bully you into submission.
Take care - and keep us updated, okay?