Oh no! Why did I have to do it???
Okay folks - let me serve as a warning for this kind of behavior in the future. I did a mondo-dumb thing tonight and paid dearly for it!
Well, DH's birthday was yesterday and he didn't get his pizza, so this evening we decided to do pizza. I had eaten the Pizza Hut thin crust veggie before without a problem, so I was feeling a little brave. I was dying to try the buffalo chicken pizza as I love buffalo wings, so we ordered that on a thin. Well, let me tell you - it was WONDERFUL, but it was also, true to form, quite spicy. I went slowly though because I wanted to make sure I didn't damage my pouch in the process. I kind of figured 10 weeks out was probably safe enough for me to indulge in a little spicy, but I didn't really have a frame of reference.
ANYWAY, so I am noshing on this pizza and it's heating me up a little, so my lovely husband had already brought me a Diet Vanilla Pepsi, anticipating the need for a fire extinguisher. I want to say right here and now I normally do not drink with meals. I've been pretty good about that and I haven't felt the need except maybe a sip here or there when something is drying me out. But tonight I had to imbibe.....my mouth was throwing off sparks ala that Dairy Queen commercial (if any of you have ever seen it...). I decide that I may as well just accept the fact that I'm breaking the rules completely for this meal and vowed that I wouldn't do it again until it was time to stop losing weight.
Well, I don't think I'll have a problem keeping that vow! Now, after dinner I wanted to take my vitamins so I would have them sitting in my pouch longer and thus maybe absorbing more of them in the process. So as always, I pop the pills and drink down about 2 oz of low-carb chocolate milk to help them go down (works great!). Now I don't realize it until about 5 minutes later, but I just created a pretty carby soupy sludge in my stomach. Although it was a thin crust pizza, it still had carbs, and what followed was probably the worst dump I have had. My heart rate was up to 112 and I felt as if I were going to be introducing ralph to john at any moment. But I was so weak, all I could do is lay there and gasp for fresh air. DH brought a bucket over in case I needed to Liz Hurley
but thankfully I was able to keep from doing it.
Anyway, along with the no drinking when eating vow, I hereby swear off spicy food for awhile. I now know that I won't be able to not drink when the heat hits, and these things are not worth what I just went through! Oy vey!

Thanks Dianna -
I didn't have problem with milder pizza before (the veggie delite namely), but I think mostly it was that I felt like I had to drink after having the spicy one and boy did it do a number! Ugh!
Live and learn.....guess I'll have to forget the spicy or else get used to it without cooling off!

Oh geez Dina i'm so sorry you had to go thru that.
Happened once to me on spaghetti sauce when I was about 3 months out. I'm still afraid to try it again lol. I guess I have spaghettiphobia lol. I'm just glad i've never had trouble with the spicy foods. I love them and have been eating spicy since about 2 months out.
When I ate the spaghetti tho it was the same feelings....to me that was the worst.
Hope you're feeling better now

I read on the main board that spagetti sauce has sugar or corn syrup in it. Someone mentioned using pizza sauce because it's lower in sugar?? I haven't tried either so I haven't even looked at the difference on the jars but it might be something worth looking into. Oh, just had a creative idea..........a little ricotta with pizza sauce and turkey pepperoni w/mozz cheese on top........yum.........oooooh, my mom said Abby's pizza has a new pizza that the crust is made out of cheese instead of bread. I might just have to get me some provolone cheese and fry it crisp and put the pizza sauce and toppings on that..........Ok, all this food talking.....I haven't eaten yet today......Think I'll make a choc. protein shake with s/f hazelnut syrup. Everyone have a great day!!
Dina- Sounds awful. I won't be wanted to repeat that experience very soon again either. As a matter of fact, I don't want to experience it at all. I haven't had anything really spicy yet althought i just spent a week in Santa Fe and even the tortilla soup there is a little spicy. And I had some of that without any problem. My friends I went with love going out to eat so we went out a number of times. It was hard finding things I could eat. But I won't be trying the buffalo pizza any time soon!