Question for post-ops...
Hello everyone!
I was just curious what would be the best thing to wear the first few days after the surgery while still in Mexico. Mu-Mu's? lol..ok.. I know its not Hawaii. Will I be able to wear anything around my waist like a skirt or capri's? Or should I pack all summer dresses?
Thanks so much for taking the time to answer questions and make us pre-ops more comfortable.
You guys ROCK!

I think Dot mentioned she altered some nightgowns so they velcroed closed at the straps so she could wear something that wasn't so revealing in the hospital. Thought I'd throw that out because I have to say as a big girl I found the gowns barely covered the sides....forget about tying it in the back!
After I was back at the hotel, I mainly stayed in nightgowns and loose dresses, but I also was able to wear some pants that were not tight around the waist. Consider you will be swollen in the belly after surgery and you will wear a binder as well, so make sure they are quite roomy if you do wear pants.
I found that my bag actually was easier to navigate when I wore pants as the drain came out the bottom of the binder and could go over the flap of my pants then my shirt on top of that and it wasn't always in the way. With a dress or gown, it was fine, but when you walked, it pulled the hem up as you carried it.
I've got some very loose very soft capri's I think I'll take along and also take a few house dresses. Surely I'll find something in my big ol' suitcase that is comfortable
I thought of altering some broomstick skirts i have with velcro at the waist instead of elastic making it like a maternity skirt type thingy.
Thanks Dina