Hi everyone!
I have been reading everyone's posts and I am so proud of all of you wonderful ladies. Lots of weight lost this month. Maybe we should add up the total weight loss for all Dr. Aguirre's patients every month! I am having a slight dilemma and I can't make a decision so I am asking for advice. Ensenada seems like it is totally packed hotel wise around the 23rd of June. I am thinking (if there is a date available) that I may have to wait two more weeks and move my surgery bac****il July 5,6,7ish. That way I can rent a nice house on the beach for a couple weeks and relax. It's only $900.00 for a week. The Hotel Coral is $135.00 a night.
Anyone have another hotel or house to reccommend? My question is, Am I dragging my feet making arrangements because I am a big wimp
and I am afraid. Am I copping out?
Please, I need an uplift.
Please tell me how you ladies felt so I don't feel like such a nutcase.

Have you thought about renting one of Rosella's apartments? They are very comfortable--I'm glad we stayed there. I wasn't particularly enchanted with Ensenada so I wouldn't chhose to stay there that long for a "vacation". There are a lot of other places I'd rather go. I would keep the date where it is if I were you and you could find a place to stay. That would give you that much longer to heal before you have to start back at school.
Just to let you know I thought I had an apartment with Rosella set up it was a complete miscommunication on both our parts no biggy only , because I got on the internet on Friday the 7th of May, 2004 (yes last Friday) and found out that they did have some rooms left at the Ensenada Holiday Inn Villafontana thank God I needed to stay from June 28,2004 til July 6,2004 with 3 people and I was like I am not going too have surgery on the 29th and sleep outside noway so I was lucky but you might want to try under Ensenada Mexico Hotels "Cheaptickets". Goodluck Lisa
Hi Canela! I stayed at both Rosella's apartment and the Hotel Coral so I think I can speak to both. I also was booked originally to go Easter Week and had the same hotel hell you're probably going through with availability and rates and then a miracle happened and Dr. Aguirre came through with an open appointment four weeks earlier in March! I can tell you a) I am over-joyed and thrilled that I moved my date to an earlier one, so my advice is somehow, someway, stick to the earlier date. I remember thinking after my surgery was over - "hey, it's over and if I hadn't moved it, I would still have three more weeks until my surgery". Three weeks after my surgery, had lost several pounds and they were gone. All those thoughts go through your head, so the earlier, the better. I was probably an exception where I stayed in Ensenada for almost two full weeks. I stayed at the apartment when I arrived in Ensenada. My friend stayed at the apt. while I was in the hospital, then when I got out of the hospital, we all moved to the Hotel Coral. This was purely a personal choice for me. The apartment was clean as could be, new furniture, etc. but for me, I would never have had the swift recovery I had if I had to spend a full week in that apt. after surgery. I'm a person that needs my spirit lifted and that helps my physical recovery. In the apt. I felt I was in any apartment building in New York City (where I live), the noise outside, the cars honking, etc. At the hotel Coral, I had the ocean, I could take nice walks around the pool, the staff helped me with whatever I needed. I too was considering a house which would have been cost-effective because I had four people in my group but the one I wanted was sold out.