I've decided to go!
Well, I've made my decision. I'm going to Mexico for surgery. Now I'm scrambling to find the money and may resort to selling the family mini-van and buy a much smaller car to come up with the money. My family thinks I"m crazy and tell me I'm not fat and I'm being unreasonable. Is selling a car that far beyond reasonable?
I have no idea how much you weigh, what your BMI is or anything but I can tell you I put this off for years. I am now 50, wasted my whole late 30's and all of my 40's on a deadbeat drunk husband that was my excuse for becoming obese. I have no idea where I am getting the money, most likely refinancing my home, but I am going to have surgery on June 23rd! You are not crazy. You go girl, stick to your guns!

Thank you! I am 32 years old with a BMI somewhere between 42 and 43. I weigh 230lbs. I don't want to wait any longer. I want to enjoy the rest of my 30's, then my 40's, then my 50's and beyond. I also have an 8 year old son that I feel like I've missed out on lots of fun with. He is also heavy and I am hoping that if mom can get her act together, maybe he won't follow in my foot steps.
Amy - I've made no secret of my surgery - I tell everyone who will listen and I actually had some friends tell me after surgery that they had discussed it and no one thought I needed surgery because they didn't think I was that fat. My response was that I was miserable and anyone who is 5'3" and 130# overweight needs SOMETHING! This is your decision and your life. Go for it!!!
Lori C.
on 5/6/04 7:26 am - Dallas, OR
on 5/6/04 7:26 am - Dallas, OR
Hi Amy,
No, selling the car is not crazy. If that is what you want to do then do it. I refinanced my house to pay for my surgery, which was done in Mexico, and I still think it was a good choice for me. I would do it again in a minute. Oh, Kay told me you called.
Love, Lori
Crazy is taking out loans for the surgery @ 12% interest.
Crazy is taking a break from college to get a job post-op to pay those loans.
I'm doing it anyway. I'll be a better student when I'm healthier. I'll be better able to work to pay my loans off 8-10 weeks AFTER surgery than I am now.
Crazy is letting people diminish the impact of a BMI of 42.
Good luck!
Amy, I've always said if you want something bad enough you'll find a way to make it happen. I've had several times in my life that this was true. Working during the day and going to nursing school at night, having a baby in the middle of nursing school, and this surgery are some examples that I am proud of. So pat yourself on the back for figuring out a way to get what you want against all the odds and do what you think is best for you. You're the one that has to live with the outcome and if you think your health is worth driving a less fancy car then I think your decision isn't unreasonable at all.
Amy -
After I had this surgery I said many times that had I known what it was really like, I would have sold my van a long time ago to get it done. The only thing crazy is living in misery from your weight.
My husband put it to me like this when we were trying to figure out how to remodel the great room. We had some money set aside for that, and I kept talking about the great room. But I also kept talking about "if I lose weight" or "when I lose weight." My life revolved around putting beloved activities on hold because of my weight.
So my husband got a funny look on his face one night and I asked him what was up. He cautiously said "Well, you keep talking about how your life would be so much better if you lost the weight, so I wonder why you want to put the money into the great room and not the surgery?" It hit me dead between the eyes. I didn't have an answer. Then he said something that hit me between the eyes harder: "Would you be happier with a new master bedroom being made out of the great room and remain overweight, or would you rather lose the weight and stay in a small room?" That was my answer. I couldn't even begin to compare the two. I will have other opportunities to remodel the house, and it is livable the way it is, but my chance for health and happiness was waning with each passing year.
Sell the van. Get a Kia Rio and get the surgery. You can always get another van later....