What are your problem foods?
I recall reading somewhere on OH where someone had a problem with an orange as the membrane got stuck in their stoma, so they avoid them like the plague. I haven't had but a small segment that was removed from the membrane because of that!
But then I read on someone's fitday journal that he eats an orange every day. It got me to thinking about how some people have problems with certain foods and some do not. I thought it might be interesting to compare the differences if you all are game!
Here are my problem foods as of late:
Atkins low-carb cereal (fiber, I think)
Low-carb Orowheat bread (fiber again)
Eggo Waffle
My theme is fiber and carbohydrates. I haven't had problem with regular bread though (I have 1 slice a day with a sandwich). So far I haven't had any problems with meats, but I avoid anything tough and I chew really really well. But that doesn't seem to help with the fiber. I hucked only once (on Atkins cereal) but I could see I was a good chewer!
So what are your problem foods???

Hi Dina! I have a problem with any kind of processed food. If it comes from a box, I get nauseated eating it. If it is made from scratch, I am okay. I cannot eat the skin from chicken at all, meats are okay, but in sauces is much better and easier to digest. I used to love bacon, cheeseburgers, now, I get nauseated thinking of them. Have a great day.
I had a small bowl of tomato soup with some crackers last night and felt REALLY SICK!!! I have never yet vomited with any food. I also had 5 or 6 potato chips a few weeks ago and that did not settle well either. When this happens, I just have to lie down for 30-45 minutes and it eventually gets better. Sometimes, I get REALLY hot along with it...hot flashes I guess.???
Dina, your weight loss is up there girl!!!! Keep it up...you're doing great!!!
My problems have only been from me not chewing well. I've eaten a 1/4 of a sandwich and done fine, but then I took a bite of garlic bread..on the run and ended up getting sick.
Dry chicken doesn't go well at all. It just sits there.
Protein drinks make me nauseated.
The key is small bites and chew, chew, chew!
I am not positive but I heard tomato soup is too acidic for our new pouches....at least initially. I wonder if between the acid and the carbs (it is carby) that it made you dump. I did a lot of laying down nauseous in the first few weeks, but it is pretty much gone. I guess because I finally got a handle on how to treat my new little friend...
I've had a roller-coaster of different problems, different days. Meat of any kind (chicken, etc.) is still a no-no. Gets stuck even if I chew it to nothing. Protein drinks just taste awful to me and I feel sick after. Made huge mistake and ate a piece of American cheese - processed - and that was a big mistake. I had cramps for an hour.
Biggest succes foods for me have been piece of banana mashed into 1/2 cup of Honey Bunches of Oats mixed with the new PROTEIN Total, followed by a 1/2 of the Dannon no fat yogurt, teaspoon of hummus on a cracker. Tried a salad with low fat dressing - carrots shaved, cucumbers, little piece of low fat cheese shaved into it. Was great. Mashed potato is always a home-run. Soups are starting to look less appealing to me and don't always sit well after. Tried a little peanut-butter - also didn't work for me.
Those sesame sticks that come in a mix -- I bought a bag with just the sesame sticks and if I'm really hungry, a few of those have worked really well. Sugar free Fudge Bars have been great too.
You know I must be having sympathy pains!!!! I don't seem to be able to eat much of anything! All you ladies talking about throwing up
has just put the idea in my mind and I can't picture anything else. Maybe I will market this as the latest diet fad. Dr. Canela's feed, read and heave diet plan!!!!!
Seriously, all this info is so helpful. I am so glad I have all of you that have paved the way. I know what to expect and I can buy all the needed supplies ahead of time. As always, you are all much appreciated!

I know I've talked about my food problems before, but I am really getting discouraged. I am not tolerating beef or chicken very well and figured out is is probably too soon for it. Every day I have a hard time coming up with something to eat and I know I am not getting in enough protein. I am not a sweet eater so cereal or yogurt are out. I do a protein shake every now and then, but it is hard to drink something sweet. I did have some chicken and sausage gumbo that was awesome. It went down so well I think I ate 3 bowls!
Each day is a challenge to find something that I can tolerate and that I have a desire to eat. Sometimes its just easier to not eat.