I'm in heaven
I'm finally able to eat mushy foods and the first day that I was able to get to try puree food was like being in heaven. I have never thought how good puree food can be, I was so happy to try something new not the same thing everyday. The liquid diet can be miserable at times who are we kidding the whole time is f***ing miserable but it is all for a reason. The whole process has to be done so we can get where we have to get to to make us a healthy person so whatever. But when you get to try puree food for the first time you feel like you are in heaven. So now I can't wait to eat some real solids, that is going to even be a better feeling. The only thing is that the food are so yummy and want to eat the bite more but it is impossible you get full so fast. I know that is what I wanted not to be able to eat,eat and eat some more but I know we all miss being able to eat just a little more than a few bites of something. I know in the future it is going to make me a lot healthier and thinner. And I will not have to worry all the time for health problems and pain in the knees and ankles. I can already feel the difference in my ankles. I feel the pressure all day all night everyday but now I do not feel it as bad as before.