So I decided to to a blog so eveybody new at this could get a idea on how all this works. So I am going to start from the beginning.

1.Do all the investigation possible
2.Decide what doctor to use
3.Follow the pre op diet
4.Go in for surgery
5.Follow the post op diet
6.Rest a couple weeks
7. Enjoy the rest of your new life

Well I so far am on step 5 and step 6 but I am also on step 7 at the same time becuase I am just so happy that I finally did this. I will keep all you guys in touch on how my journey is going I will try to keep this BLOG a day by day. So still a little tired,but not to much still a little heartburn here and thin but it is also going away little by little. I can move and do a lot more than when all this started. My kid are getting so excited that every day I am able to do a lot more every day. My life is getting better every day thanks to Dr, Quinones, thanks to him Im turning into a new me.