Hotel room
So after two days in the hospital I finally got to be able to come to the hotel room. The first day was a little rough from the gas that I was feeling. As they say, walk walk walk. The second day was a little easier than the first day, still a little gas but not as bad. When i was to going to be released the nurse gave me some kind of purple liquid to check for leaks, it tasted like water, and wasn't so bad. I also got my Barium test, doc said that everything looked good and I was able to get the drain out. It felt kinda different but did not hurt. I guess you could say that the sensation was different that's all but no pain.
Now I am just resting and relaxing at the hotel. I fell the gas a lot less than yesterday, but now I have heartburn but was told that is pretty normal, so besides that fell pretty good.
So glad that I decided to go through this still feel a little icky but it will go away in time.
So thanks to my Doctor in a few months I will be a different person that my kids will be able to play with so excited for my new journey in life.