Researching Gastric Plication
On February 3, 2015 at 9:35 PM Pacific Time, PCDIVAH wrote:
Hello Everyone, I am researching Gastric Plication if anyone can share or suggest where to look into this procedure and where? thanks
it is so new,there is not going to be many places to research it.
I,personally,would not have it for the following reasons:
the extra stomach is folded over and stapled to itself,instead of being completely removed. This seems,to. Me, like a prime opportunity for the tissue to die and cause wicked problems down the road.
the plicated,( folded over) stomach still produces the. Hormone ghrelin,the hunger hormone. That mean you are going to still be as hungry as you are right now,but with a very small stomach that can't hold much. Sounds like agony tome.
Good luck in your decision making.