Obesity Control Center - Dr. Ortiz
Thanks for the feedback. When you said "hush-hish" about pricing, do you mean they are secretive about it or informal as if they charge differently to all patients? I'm wondering since I am considering getting the procedure done next summer. And I need to know how far in advance I should book this service and if they charge before me getting it done, in the process or afterwards. Thanks for your help.
My fee at OCC with Dr. Ariel Ortiz in Feb 2012 was almost $7000. I'd be very interested to know if their rate has gone down a lot as my husband is sort of considering weight loss surgery. I had an excellent experience there and have had absolutely no issues since my surgery. I'd recommend Dr. Ortiz to anyone.
You can book as little as a month in advance. I had to pay a deposit ($500) and take a certified check for the remainder with me when I went for surgery. (I had to e-mail them a copy of the check ahead of time.) I found that quite reassuring as I was not required to hand over my money until I was actually there.
HW 270 (Sept 2011); surgery weight 236 (Feb 6, 2012); current 167 (103 lb lost); goal set by nutritionist 148 (ha ha!!). Vertical sleeve gastrectomy at Obesity Control Center (Dr. Ariel Ortiz), Tijuana, MX. Self-pay, self-referral, 4-week wait. Abdominoplasty Aug 10, 2013 (Dr. K. Dolynchuk, Winnipeg - self-pay)
In my personal experience the band is not idea I have 4 friends that had to have it removed and that was the cost of another surgery plus now they are having weight gain issues again. Research it and you will find more than 50% of patients have to have a second surgery for removal or revision. Mayo clinic no longer endorses the surgery at all and many doctors won't perform the surgery anymore. I think its a definite way to get repeat customers. Plus if you move it will be nearly impossible for you to get another doctor to do fills or anything for you. My original desire was to get the Band but after many stories and stats I decided not to. Sleeve plication is reversible and considered less invasive but the weight loss results are similar to the band about 50% of the excess weight is lost on average. There is so much information and it is a really hard decision that only you can make. I took more than 2 years to decide and now I am fully convinced that I am making the right choice for myself I am scheduling my date this week! I hope it is a little helpful not just unwanted advice.
I am considering Dr Ariel Ortiz (Obesity Control Center) at Tijuana, MX.
I saw you message the other night about their pricing. I got a quota for Sleeves $6500 + $500 deposit Last year.
1. Could you please check to see if the doctor that gave you the quota for sleeve surgery $4600 + $500 deposit is the same doctor that I am looking for since there are two Dr Ortiz in MX doing the weight loss surgery, Jesus Elias Ortiz is the other one.
2. If you have already gone for the surgery, could you please kindly tell me about your experience there? I am considering going there alone and I am kind of concern about so many things. and I am from Ocean side (California).
I went to MX through Alighterme.com My surgery was done by Dr. Curiel on 4-28 my cost was 4200. I had no complications and everyone was awesome. I've even chatted with my Dr here and there on FB since my surgery. Any concerns or questions have been immediately taken care of by phone and email. I have been happy with the experience. Dr. Elias Ortiz is there surgeon also and he has a great working history as well. My aunt is going in two weeks to have the vsg done and I will be her companion. I would recommend them to anyone 100%