Dr Alejandro Lopez patients.. I have a question for you

on 8/27/14 10:00 am

They did hear about nothing or they would have posted where by now. they see your reply in there in box the above person no disrespect is full of ISH.

on 8/27/14 9:58 am

Ok Hun before you FREAK everyone the HECK Out. First of all I am not employed nor work for Dr. Lopez nor anyone associated with there office I am in fact getting the Gastric Sleeve done this 2014 year. And I read the consent form from cover to cover.

#1 If your BMI is higher the 49.1 then YES you will be charged $1000 more this is in the Consent form it was not hidden to me due to my ability to read and comprehend.

#2. It is not un common to have GAIN A HUGE Amount of weigh 220lbs, 440lbs 600+lbs and stretch the mid section to the point of only surgical return. The make it perfectly clear again in the CONSENT FORM you signed that they must repair the HERNIA before they can properly and safely proceed with your surgery and that if your BMI is below 42 like mine would be $350 if it is higher then the fee will be a little higher but hell in my book Im not paying $18 - $20k for the surgery to be done in Cali and that would not include a HERNIA repair.

This Doctor has performed over 6000 successful surgeries without one fatality because I am assuming everyone is doing exactly what your post op instruction have told everyone to do. The above post will not detour me from my decision I have the up most confidence that Dr. Lopez can and will be able to take care of me. Also I would like a SURGERY BUDDY So if your interested and your surgery is in September 2014 or October 2014 send me an email.

All we have to fear is fear it self and that is not enough for me to tuck tail and run. Medical paper work is suppose to be requested prior before leaving the clinic.

Love to all and peace to plenty follow your hart and your gut. One persons version of there bad experience should not dictate yours.

on 2/18/16 8:40 am

Were gettingours done by dr lopez but he owns alo bariatrics now did he at least do a good job

on 7/9/14 11:21 pm

I had my VSG done with Dr. Lopez on April 8th 2014 through Mexico Bariatric Center... I had a great experience!

Dr. Lopez did say I had a hernia repaired, but they never billed me for it so I never brought it up lol... Christy the coordinator is super quick in responding and you could always call them. I've had to email her a few times post surgery from the states to ask questions about medications for heartburn (yes, I'm one of those people that are having heartburn problems post surgery) and she responded quickly.

Also, the hospital was great- super clean, the nurse staff is wonderful and talented. Very attentive! Honestly, these people do want to keep you safe and happy- the worst thing for them would be bad press in America... probably would ruin their business.

on 8/27/14 9:59 am


on 7/12/14 10:58 pm - FL

I had my surgery Tuesday July 8 th and yes I had a hernia repaired. The first question I asked out of surgery was did I have a hernia. The nurses and anestiologist said no, but the next day I was told I did by Dr. Lopez. I would just plan on paying for one....everyone in our group wound up being told we had a hernia. The extra $500.00 is a small price to pay when you see the level of care you receive in Mexico as well as the money you save having it done. I have no regrets and I would do it again in a heart beat.

on 8/27/14 4:12 am, edited 8/27/14 4:13 am
VSG on 05/16/14 with

I had my surgery on May 16th with Dr. Lopez in Puerto Vallarta. I did not have a hernia. I paid $4,200 for my surgery. I am a RN and I was shocked by the difference in care that I received in Mexico. Dr. Leo, a local doctor that works with Dr. Lopez, picked me up from the airport (there was a little confusion about where to meet at the airport but they are working on changing this). He took me to the hotel and told me what time he would be there in the morning to pick me up.

The next morning Dr. Leo picked me up gave us a little tour of the area. I fell in love with the resort, Paradise Village, that was down the street from the hospital. I aked Dr. Leo if I could move to that resort after surgery, and he said to speak with Anakaren, the coordinator in Mexico. She was able to move me to that resort with no problem. I felt much more comfortable being close to the hospital plus there was a mall, grocery store, casino all within walking distance. Also the resort by the hospital had a full kitchen, so I could make broth on the stove.

Once I was settled in my room, the nurse Erica came in and started my IV. Dr. Lopez and his team came in and answered any questions I had. He was very nice and down to earth. He joked with me that I was his cousin since my last name is Lopez. I was taken down to surgery. That was a little nerve wracking because none of the nurses spoke English. All the doctors speak English. I was happy once the Anesthesiologist showed up because I could actually talk to him. My surgery was uneventful and I woke up in quite a lot of pain. I was throwing up for 24 hours and no matter what they gave me it would not stop. I always get sick from anesthesia, so that was nothing new for me. I expected it. The nursing staff was very attentive and if I pressed my call light they were there in seconds.

Dr. Lopez came in to see me fequently over the course of the next 2 days. The day after surgery I had my leak test, and yay there were no leaks. I was discharged and they drove me down to the resort to check in. Dr. Leo came to the hotel and gave me his cell phone number in case I needed anything. Anakaren also gave me all her contact info in case I needed anything. They gave me antibiotics and a proton pump inhibitor. I started having dizzy spells and called Dr. Leo so he had me come right over to the hospital and met me in the lobby. I explained to him that I have vertigo and I didn't bring any medication with me. He assessed me and said he believes it was my vertigo acting up. He walked me to the pharmacy and had them give me a box of medication for vertigo. I felt much better once I started taking that.

Dr. Leo came to the hotel and removed my drain. It did not hurt at all. I was so happy to get rid of that thing. He called me everyday to see how I was doing. One of the nurses took me and my cousin out and showed us around. My cousin accompanied me on the trip. She speaks Spanish fluently, so she was able to converse with the nurses.

The hospital was San Javier. It was a gorgeous facility. They cleaned my room 3 times a day or more if it needed it. I would not hesitate to go back to Mexico again for surgery. I had a wonderful experience. 

I'm sorry, I forgot to put which company I went through. I used Mexico Bariatric Center. My coordinator was Cindy Rios. She was amazing. She answered all my questions no matter what time of day or night. I liked the fact that she was also a WLS patient and had her surgery in Mexico. She was full of suggestions and ideas.

A lot of overweight people have hernias. Let's face it our abdominal muscles are not as strong as others. If you are worried about being falsely told you have a hernia, go to your PCP here in the states before you leave to Mexico and have them rule out a hernia. Take that report with you to Dr. Lopez. Just know that a hernia is common and can happen from sneezing or coughing.

As for the story about 2 people dying and being rushed to San Diego, I have not been able to find any information on that. Complications are common with surgery especially major surgery like this. Risks are even higher for complications because of the fact that we are all obese and have other comorbities. Yes it is very important to research your surgeon, but remember that even the most skilled surgeons have patients that develop complications. No 2 bodies are the same.

As far as contacting anyone since I returned home, honestly I haven't really had the need to. I did speak with Cindy, my coordinator a few times about heartburn and constipation. I mainly go to my PCP here if I need something. It is important that you speak with your PCP before you have surgery and make sure that they are willing to take on the follow-up after surgery. There is not a lot of follow-up required with the sleeve, but you should have labs drawn to check for abnormalities. 

Please feel free to ask me anything else you would like to know.


VSG on 5/16/2014. HW: 304; SW: 278; CW: 232; GW: 150.


on 8/27/14 10:14 am

See I want CINDY to be my Coordinator as well. Brenda don't return phone calls.

on 8/5/15 1:40 am - Canada
VSG on 01/19/16

I'm scheduled to have surgery with Dr. Lopez in January and I was wondering how your surgery went? Did you have a good experience with Dr. Lopez and his team? I'm pretty confident in my decision to go with Dr. Lopez but it'd be really great to hear from someone who had the surgery firsthand. Any advice or info you'd be willing to share would be awesome! 

on 8/5/15 6:12 am - Houston, TX

I actually wasn't able to go this summer. Finances got all wonky. I still plan on getting the VSG done but it will be with another Dr and I'll have to wait [AGAIN] until next summer. Sorry I couldn't be more help.

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