Could use some thoughts and prayers

on 5/1/14 11:11 am
Revision on 05/01/14

Well, I was supposed to have surgery today, but it's been postponed until tomorrow :(


i'm currently hanging out in a hospital bed almost done with bag 2 of 4 in a blood transfusion. 


Ive been borderline anemic my whole life, but tests today preop showed my numbers at less than half of what's normal.  Obviously, that puts me at a lot of risk for surgery. So, they decided to do a blood transfusion to bring my numbers up before surgery tomorrow. 


Interestingly, I am feeling better than I have in a while, less tired, my hands don't hurt, and my hands are pink! They've been tinged a purply blue for the longest time! Trying to focus on the good things.


I know I'm new, and you all don't know me from Adam, but I could use some positive thoughts my way. I'm here alone, the doctors and staff are awesome, but I'm still feeling a little scared. 

on 5/1/14 10:06 pm
VSG on 04/24/14 with

Well it sounds like the Dr. You have is on the ball and has your best interests at heart. I am sure it was disappointing to wait but in the long run a better surgery outcome is the best goal. I just got back from Mexico from  my surgery . I was alone as well and it can feel a little scary but like you said focus on the positive and you will be soon home and recovering. Best of luck .

Mac    HW  234   SW   204.8   CW   190     M1  


   " The favors of the Lord are not exhausted,His merices are not spent; they are renewed every morning so great is His faithfulness"     

    Lamentations 3:22-23

on 5/2/14 12:06 am - BILLINGS, MT

The DR. really is taking everything into account, sounds like you are in great hands and have nothing to be concerned about. Keep in mind that tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life. Keep us informed and we are here to help.

Mary C.
on 5/2/14 12:36 am - Glovertown, Canada

Wishing you all the best. Your surgeon obviously is on the ball - to make sure your Hgb is where it should be. You need to be in the best possible health pre-op - in order to have a smooth surgery and an uneventful recovery. I understand you are scared and lonely. Hope it helps that others are thinking of you and wishing you well! Take care-


on 5/2/14 1:07 am
VSG on 05/16/14 with

Prayers are being sent your way. I know it is frustrating because you were prepared for today, but that is great that this issue was caught and is being addressed. 

on 5/2/14 12:04 pm - CO

It does sound like a good thing that your doctor took the necessary precautions.

One more can do it!!

Positive vibes being sent your way....

on 5/3/14 12:29 pm
VSG on 06/19/14 with

Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way! My surgery is is scheduled in Tijuana on June 19th:-) 


on 5/6/14 9:27 am

Hang in there CoffeeGirl.  I am sending prayers your way.  

on 5/6/14 10:49 pm - OK

We're walking your walk. Prayers for you. Keep your mind focused on positive and speak only positive and health. 

on 5/6/14 10:51 pm
VSG on 01/16/14

Best wishes and stay positive. It should be reassuring that the doctors halted the surgery in order to make sure it was safe to proceed. Take this time to relax and focus.

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