Finding a PCP
Hi All - Finally joined after reading reading reading! I am investigating the option of surgery in Mexico and one of the things I've been reading is that some PCPs won't work with people who have had surgery out of the country. I don't currently have a PCP (I'm more of a Minute Clinic gal) so I'm curious about how to go about finding a PCP who would be willing to work with me after I return as I'm assuming this is something I should set up beforehand. Do you just call around and say "I'm going to Mexico, will you be my follow-up doctor?" Are there specific questions to ask? I'm interested in the GSV and I know bloodwork needs to be done at some point afterwards, is there anything else I should ask about? Are the PCPs linked with a bariatric center more likely to be willing to work with me?
Any advice would be great, thanks!
Just tell a PCP you need blood work done because your surgery was out of the country by CHOICE. Not because it was cheaper, but because that is where the BEST doctor you could find had his practice. Doctors need to get with the program and realize out of the country surgery is the way of the future. If your PCP has a problem with that, I wouldn't want him/her anyway
If all else fails, tell him you had emergency surgery while in Mexico and you need follow up care. No doctor will say no to that.
In my experience, some doctors are very accepting of this surgery out of country and others are not. My gyno is on board with it but my PCP is not. If your insurance excludes WLS, it will not cover the aftercare, either.