I left my tummy in Mexicali!

(deactivated member)
on 1/22/13 9:39 pm

I just got back from having a VSG with Dr. Aceves in Mexicali MX. It was a very good experience and I highly recommend Dr.Aceves and Dr. Campos. They checked on me twice a day everyday, even as late as 8pm! The nurses and staff were very responsive to all my needs. The facility is the cleanest medical facility I have ever been in and fairly modern. All in all a great experience! I'm happy to answer any questions that anyone has!

on 1/23/13 9:30 pm
Congrats! I am glad to hear you had a great experience. The whole Aceves team is really great!
on 1/24/13 9:07 am - Glendale, AZ
VSG on 04/06/13

Congratulations!  :

I am going to Mexicali next month to revise from lapband to bypass.  I like to hear that it was great!

Preop diet start  /VSG Surgery / Current / Goal
               286                 277            219       165

Lapband / Lowest wt LB unfilled because of problems

      286                  250

Highest:     302

on 2/4/13 11:20 am - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
Dr Aceves did my VSG in June and I can't think of a single thing he or any of his team could have done better. Both he and Dr Campos visited at least once a day, answered questions - they even remembered my husband's name and chatted with him.
Something I thought was nice and my husband appreciated, was that once my surgery was done Dr Aceves called my room to tell my husband that I was in recovery and the surgery had gone well.


Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



on 1/25/13 11:07 pm - NC
RNY on 02/26/13
Thanks for the update and I'm thrilled you are doing well! The end of Feb can't get here quick enough!

HW - 319, SW - 303.5 



on 1/26/13 4:42 am
VSG on 02/21/13

Congrats!  Just curious - who do they recommend in Mexico to do plastic surgery on bariatric patients )after all the weight is lost, of course)?

"The most difficult part of changing how you live and eat is believing that change is possible. It takes a fierce kind of love for yourself."Geneen Roth
(deactivated member)
on 1/26/13 6:17 am

Not sure about that...I haven't looked into plastics yet. Maybe the VSG board would have some good suggestions?

on 2/4/13 2:58 pm

How did you do pain wise?  Don't the doctors in Mexico use only Torodol and not a narcotic?  I am considering Dr. Aceves, but this is my only reservation.  Thanks. 

(deactivated member)
on 2/4/13 6:52 pm

I was pretty sore for the first 24 hours and they used an IV pain medication. They told me what it was but I've forgotten. It must have been a narcotic of some kind because it made me extremely groggy.  After 24-48 hours my pain numbers were much lower so they switched me to the Toradol (called Supradol in Mexico). I found the pain was very well managed. They were quick to respond if I complained of pain. They sent me home with a supply of Supradol also which was perfect and I haven't needed anything else.

on 2/7/13 10:28 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15

Where did you fly into and were you picked up and where? did you stay in a hotel the night before in the states or in Mx and what was the name of it?  I am going soon for a hernia repair and am just wondering.




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