Dr. Ponce de Leon

Lee ~
on 7/2/12 12:02 pm - CA
 Thank you for this post.

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

Sandy S.
on 7/7/12 2:27 am - Skokie, IL
I've been communicating with Trish and I love that she responds immediately.  I'm on my way home from Afghanistan, and this will be a gift to myself.  My only concern, if you can call it that, is that she is recommending a sleeve as opposed to the gastric bypass, which is what I was planning on doing.  Any thoughts on that?  I have about 120 pounds to lose (I'm 5'5" at 260, with a goal weight no lower than 140).  Thanks.
Lee ~
on 7/7/12 2:57 am - CA
 I am writing from the clinic.  It is a great facility.  My friend had the sleeve on Thursday and is doing great.

I personally love my sleeve.  I did not want malabsorption because I was afraid I would not develop the proper life habits to keep me thin forever. I did not want rerouting inside.  It is a very personal decision.  There is a VSG maintenance group if you want to ask any questions of people in maintenance.  It seems that everyone who eats properly gets to goal and maintains if they continue to watch carbs etc.  nobody can decide which surgery is right for you, except you.

I started at 249.8 and had surgery at 229.  I am 5'4".

Trish is a great coordinator.  The driver met us at the airport and she has been very attentive.  That said, Trish is not a doctor and is not qualified to recommend surgery.  That is a conversation to have with a surgeon.  Does Dr. Ponce de Leon perform the gastric bypass?  Everyone here at the clinic that is his patient has the Sleeve.  Perhaps that is his pecialty? He is a very nice man.  He does not speak English so it is helpful to know some Spanish.

Please let me know if you have other questions.  You can always PM me if you'd like.

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

Sandy S.
on 7/7/12 4:50 am - Skokie, IL
 Thanks so much for the response.  I'm comfortable with going to this clinic now, along with your response, and other posts I've read.  Trish is really awesome in that she always answers almost as soon as I hit send.  Good luck to your friend.  The sleeve seems the least invasive way to go, between the two, and I think I'll do that as well.  My friend had it done in Lebanon but was told that she should first do the sleeve, then when she gets to a lower wait (she started at around 360) she should get the GB.  This is probably what confused me.  Thanks again for your response. 

Lee ~
on 7/7/12 5:52 am - CA
 Oh good. Dr. Ponce de Leon and Trish are great!  I don't think you will be disappointed with the sleeve surgery!

HW: 249   SW: 229 GW: 149 Age: 63 - Body by Sauceda - 12/2011

on 7/7/12 3:22 pm
I was sleeved by Dr. Ponce May 14th. As a nurse I couldn't be more pleased with the efficiency from Dr.Ponce and his surgical team from Hector to his OR nurse Randy. The post op care I received while at the hosp was top notch. The hosp is very small so it is if receiving one to one care. Pt/nurse ratio us low unlike larger hospitals in the u.s. I never had nausea or pain because the nurses anticipated and medicated before pain or nausea set in. It us very important to start walking within a few hours of surgery... It helps with gas,gets your blood flowing to lessen risk of bloid clots and also uses lungs to help prevent pnemonia.
I did use Laurie Wolf as my coirdinator and I had a wonderful experience with her as well! She met me and another couple at the airport, she was waiting for me when I came out of surgery. She was in contact with ny children on the phone . When i was discharged from the hospital,Laurie and Dr.Ponce's nurse Randy drove us to the hotel Lucerna. Later that day Laurie took us sught seeing, she took us to the beach,shopping on Revolution.and to the pharmacy to get our meds.She even arranged for a plastic surgeon to come to my hotel room for a consultation for future mommy makeover! Laurie has even called several times to check on my progress! I have nothing but good things to report in regards to my Mexico vsg experience. I am down 38 pounds and feeling great!
Sandy S.
on 7/7/12 4:29 pm - Skokie, IL
 Thank you for the information!  Sounds great to me!  Can't wait to go and do it!  I've been waiting for years!  
on 7/8/12 1:19 am - Canada
VSG on 04/03/12
 It seems like a crap shoot to know if she actually shows up . If she shows up , you are more likely to have a decent experience but if she doesn't .... Don't count on anything . Don't count on hotel rooms being booked for your family . Rides arranged from the airport , being able to sightsee , being able to stay at the hotel you want ( lucerna) , don't count on being able to contact her at all during or after . 

Love how her ads say " Don't go Alone" you would be better off going alone , then if you book with her and actually expect what you paid for !  

Book through Trish and you will be sure to have a coordinator when you need it . I know of 2 people who have used Laurie and bOth were not satisfied . The first one was Good with Laurie when she went but when she went with a friend for her surgery Laurie didn't show as well And they were left hanging . The second is its-killen- me and I saw first hand how much Laurie left them in the lurch and how if it was nt for Trish and the drs actually doing Laurie's job for her - they would have been sooooo screwed ! 

HW 295 lbs,CW 195, nuts goal-210, my goal 175 surgery date April 3 in Tijuana with Dr Ponce De Leon      

on 10/10/13 7:52 am - cocoa, FL

I used Dr.Jamie Ponce de Leon for the gastric sleeve on sept. 19th of this year. Him and his team are wonderful. Hospital clean, friendly and took fantastic care of me. I would highly recommend this team to anyone.

Also I wanted to mention that I used Laurie Carr Wolf. I did see the negative comments on here about her, so I asked her directly. Yes she did miss the surgery of a patient due to an emergancy with her mother. But she had made all the arrangement for the patient to be cared for. Laurie was there for me from the start to finish and even now calls me to see how I am doing.

Its only been three weeks and weight is coming off. I already feel so much better. Only wish I had done it sooner!!!!

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