Had Surgery 1 week ago (Jan 5th) and feel pretty darn good (except the fatigue part)
So I went to Tijuana and had surgery with Dr. Kelly on Jan 5th... day 1-3 I felt FABULOUS!, days 4-5 I had terrible nausea and was convinced I was going to die and the last 3 days I have been feeling great once again except I can't seem to kick the fatigue. I do 2 protein shakes a day which gives me over 60 grams, snack on a couple little things (pudding, yogurt, jello, soup, popsicle) and I drink about 2 liters of water... today I gave in and started taking caffine pills because I am now back at work and need to be awake all night.
How long does this tired thing last?? I havent started vitamins yet but willl start those next week.
How long does this tired thing last?? I havent started vitamins yet but willl start those next week.
Careful of the caffeine pills, I think they can dehydrate you. I was tired until about 3.5 months out but I had fatigue before my surgery for many years. I am not bouncing with energy, but better at four months out. I have a full time job and come home to children so I have to stick to a regular schedule or I do get tired. I do sometimes still take naps when my toddler does on my days off. We are just entering the minus twenties, I am freezing all the time and so much for my walks outside, so try and do exercise programs that I have on disc a couple of times a week but can't wait to get out and walk again.