did everyone feel safe in mexico?

on 9/17/11 3:37 am - Elk Grove, CA
I think this article puts things in perspective. While the murders do happen they are not random. The vast majority of the murders are targeted and drug related.

http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=%2Fc%2Fa%2F2011% 2F08%2F21%2FTR3O1KLPOQ.DTL

Sandy Johnston
Patient Care Coordinator

on 9/18/11 10:23 am - Canada
I'm in Tijuana now, had surgery with Dr. Kelly on Thursday.  Some of the areas between the US border and the hospital look pretty shady, but you drive right through them.  I wasn't outside the hospital other than when I arrived and left, but stayed at the Lucerna and it's in a very nice area.  I walked the streets in the area (both alone and with companions) with no concerns.  Everyone's scared of Tijuana, so I did a lot of research before I came, but if you actually look at the statistics, the murder and crime rates here are similar to any major city in the USA.  It's like any city - there are good area and bad areas.  But most of the crime and murders we hear about on the news are related to the drug wars.  Tourists aren't a big target, and the surgeons take pretty good care of their clients.  It would be very bad for business if something ahppened to one of us!  I fly home to Canada tomorrow, it's been a good experience overall.
(deactivated member)
on 9/18/11 2:01 pm - Spring, TX
Hi Linda,

May I ask what type of band you are having revised? I have the non-adjustable band by Dr. Marcel Molina (1996) and want it out! I am going to schedule another WLS in January when my FSA kicks in for 2012.
I am trying to find others that have had this type of band removed and revised in Mexico and am having no luck. :(

thanks for any info and good luck with everything!
on 9/27/11 2:15 pm
Had my surgery in TJI had 0 problems, and after I went to the hotel walked all over within a 1/2 mile radius--also took a cab to the 'tourist street; avenue revlucion--lots of people trying to sell you souveniers, just like at aq flea market or the like, but not once did I feel endangered in any way--my sister and I turned down being escorted everywhere so we could do our own thing Just stay in the areas that cater to tourists and you'll be fine. I've seen the warnings about Tijuana, but I feel much more vulnerable to crime in cities here in the states, including Atlanta which I live near. The Mexican beggars are not nearly as aggressive, and you don't hears of cars being jacked at filling stations, etc every day like youy do here.
on 1/3/12 12:33 am - Canada
I had my sugery in Ealry December with Dr. Kelly in Tijuana. There was never any point that I didn't feel safe. However, I cannot in good conscience recommend the hospital that I was sleeved at, Mi Doctor. If you book with Dr. Kelly (who is AWESOME BTW!) insist that your surgery be done at Florence Health.
on 8/6/12 1:24 am - San Diego, CA
I also had surgery with Dr.Quinones, it was a great experience. He was great and he checked up on me everyday I was there. He explained the entire procedure to me. I would recommend him to anyone
on 8/31/12 10:07 am - Saudi Arabia
 I was sleeved in Cancun in Nov 2010 and I felt totally safe.  I have heard the same about Tijuana as well.  But I can only speak for my experience in Cancun and it was wonderful. I rented an apartment on the beach for one week and had a mini vacation before my surgery.  The surgery cost more in Can****han Tijuana but for me, it was easier going to Cancun because there was no driving across the border and all that jazz.  I flew directly in and the driver from the hospital met me at the airport.  He also went back to pick up my friend that joined me there and he was an excellent escort when I needed to go shopping, etc. All in all, it was a great experience for me.
HW 213, SW 187, GW 125 VSG 11/19/2010 BS 32 
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