Acid reflux/Barrets esophagus
I plan on having my vsg in mexico in just about a week and a half and I gave the dr all my medical info. I said I have acid reflux but I started thinking oh yeah I was also diagnosed with Barrets and now Im reading alot of stuff on here that vsg makes acid reflux worse and I keep thinking he wont do it now which he shouldnt if it does make it worse but I dont want RNY even though I know it can sometimes stop your acid reflux. is there anything a dr can do to fix it with a vsg. i thought they could fix the hiatel hernia?
I also have Barrett's esophagus, probably from all of the horrible reflux I had when my band was too tight. I was told that I will need an endoscopy yearly by my GI doc. Had VSG on 1/24, and my surgeon seems to think that the problem will actually improve with the VSG. Before surgery, I only took a PPI as needed (rarely), and have had no reflux as of yet since surgery. I haven't started the prescribed PPI's yet, but will soon.
Hi there,
I also had Barrett's and my Mexican Surgeon would only do Bypass. Dr. Corvalla. I decided on bypass and I am so happy I did. I have no more acid reflux and they said that Bypass is recommeded for acid reflux. It may even have saved my life. Plus I am loosing weight!! I am a happy camper.
I also had Barrett's and my Mexican Surgeon would only do Bypass. Dr. Corvalla. I decided on bypass and I am so happy I did. I have no more acid reflux and they said that Bypass is recommeded for acid reflux. It may even have saved my life. Plus I am loosing weight!! I am a happy camper.