
on 6/28/10 1:39 pm - Montgomery, AL
First, like always, an update on momma :).. She's doing AWESOME!! The people from the hospital came by today and picked up all of the oxygen tanks from our house. So that means she don't have trouble breathing now! She has a doctor's appointment tomorrow.. hopefully it goes how she plans. The only thing that we are having problems with is that she is hurting.. her muscles and joints, etc. I guess from laying in the bed for two weeks straight. My birthday party was good.. (sadly my best friend wasn't there). It was one of the worst birthday parties I've had because I cried when mom stood beside me and sang happy birthday to me in my ear.

I've been going through alot of things lately. One of my close friend's sister just died. She was 19 years young and just had a baby 2 1/2 months ago and was just getting her life back together. There was bad weather and she fell off of a waterfall and hit her head on a rock and died in the water. It has had me thinking about how life is really short..

Also, the day I was supposed to be celebrating my birthday, was also mournful, because my family and I had just found out that morning that my cousin's first love died. She was 21 years young and was on her way home, hit an embankment, and was ejected from her car.. they found her down the street from her house (which is in the middle of nowhere), under her car.. And because she was my cousin's first love, there has been quite some issue in our family right now. We are going to her funeral tomorrow.

I'm sorry I haven't been getting on and posting anything lately (to my non-haters).. I will continue to write again after I get over all of this stuff, or whenever I have time in between to write..
Love always,
on 6/28/10 3:51 pm
 I am so sorry about your losses. It seems like you have gone through more than one person should ever have to deal with!

I am so glad your momma's home with you now though!

band 12-29-06     revision  to sleeve  Alberto Aceves  4-29-09

                                       I love my sleeve!!

                               Lost 107 lbs and maintaining

Posted Image

on 6/29/10 3:52 am - Wolf Point, Mt
Amanda- I am sorry for your recent losses.  Those are hard times but they do make us appreciate the times in life that are joyfull (like your Momma's healing journey) with a slightly different attitude.  I know right now all of this seems overwhelming, hang in there you are doing great. 

God Bless,

Emily F.
on 6/29/10 4:06 am
Wow, those are some seriously hard problems to deal well. i wish you the best.
on 6/29/10 9:39 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
Amanda, I can see the joy you have with your mom being home and well, but also the saddness you have going on, too. I will keep praying for you. Sue


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


on 6/29/10 10:53 am - Charlotte, NC
I'm so happy to hear your mom is doing better but I'm so sorry about your other losses. I'll continue to pray for you. You're an incredible young lady. Continue holding God's hand. He won't let you down.

I finally quit cheating on my husband with Ben and Jerry! 
                  sw/250 cw/140 gw/150          


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