what are you happy for today?

Anew Start
on 6/18/10 12:53 pm
Sooo trying to move along from all the yucky threads below...what are YOU happy for today?

I'm blessed with great kids and some pretty awesome pets :)  I have my health, my career and some great friends and family.

I'm planning on buying a home in the next few months also..that will be exciting as well!

on 6/18/10 1:23 pm
I am blessed with great children, beautiful grands, a large extended family, solid friendships, a wonderful husband of 37 years who has stood beside me always.  I have my health, the desire to travel the world and the time to do it.  And yes, I have a 4 # Chihuahua that is my constant companion.

Lapband Mar 2000/2005
Intestinal Erosion 2006
Sleeve Revision 2007
RNY Revision 2008
on 6/18/10 1:34 pm - Parkersburg, WV
 I am blessed with an AWESOME family and WONDERFUL friends!! I have a loving and supportive husband, and 3 really great kids! :) 
on 6/19/10 12:49 am - NY
RNY on 05/03/13 with
im blessed for my family and my health. i am blessed that god loves me for who i am unconditionaly.
i am blessed to have a wonderful husband of 32 yrs and 2 beautiful adult children inside and out i am blessed to have the best dog in the world she is truly my best friend i am blessed to have my friends in my life. and i am very blessed to have you "imonalot" to get this board back on track

see ya lighter,


on 6/19/10 2:55 am

Lapband Mar 2000/2005
Intestinal Erosion 2006
Sleeve Revision 2007
RNY Revision 2008
on 6/19/10 12:57 am - Fort Worth, TX
I am so Blessed to have 2 wonderful children who I adore. Have an awesome group of friends who are supportive and non-judgemental. I love my Lola as she's rocking and getting me back to a healthy life style.

I am mostly happy that God has cleansed my heart from resentment and I was able to let go and let him. Life has struggles but I choose to remain positive!

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny."

What you think, you attract, so think positive!


Anew Start
on 6/19/10 1:24 am
That's a fantastic attitude to have Liz

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