Considering VSG in Mex..any suggestions?

on 6/15/10 4:56 am - UT
 Thank you for reading.
I was looking for some suggestions about VSG in Mexico. I'm currently looking at Alvarez.
How effective is VSG?
on 6/15/10 7:18 am
I am new here but have done a lot of research on bariatric surgeries and found that all surgeries have their pros and cons. But they all require a person to be willing to do what is needed to make them work also. It would make no sense for a person that connot control their carb cravings to have a VSG and think they will lose all the weight they want. My advice is only from what family and friends have done and not myself yet. Bu****ching several people have all of the procedures available made only one thing certain... all obese people should! Even if you only lose half of your goal weight it still is better than nothing. I have never seen a person not lose anything from the surgery but I have seen people lose less. I think we get what we ask for and if you try your all at it then it can't go wrong.
on 6/15/10 8:57 am - Hoover, AL
I had the VSG and have been thrilled with it so far. I was what you might call a volume eater. I could eat and eat and eat and never really feel full. The VSG is exactly what I needed to finally eat a normal size portion of food and feel comfortably full.
I agree with Cougar in Training as well ...there really is no way to go wrong when you are doing it to better your health.

Good luck with whatever you choose.

We love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Emily F.
on 6/15/10 9:44 am, edited 6/15/10 9:44 am
I recommend Ungson.

research, research, research. You should want the best for your body.
For great WLS info join me here
on 6/15/10 11:04 am - Fort Worth, TX
I had my surgery 2 months ago and doing great...this surgery will be a life changing experience, good luck!!!

on 6/15/10 11:30 pm
 The Sleeve has been wonderful for me.  I had my surgery in January, am 42 years old and now weigh less than when I got my first drivers license when I was 15.  Good luck to ya!
on 6/16/10 5:10 am

Hijack:  What a victory, Girl!

on 6/16/10 5:16 am
 Tyty it's a great feeling.
(deactivated member)
on 6/16/10 7:49 am - AZ
Just do your research. Really understand all surgery types and your surgeon.

I'd suggest one of the doctors with good reputations such as Rumbaut, Aceves, or Ungson.
on 6/16/10 11:45 am - Elk Grove, CA
I know of and personally know almost all the surgeons in Mexico.  As I'm sure you can guess from my sig that I am "in the business".  Dr. Alvarez is pretty much the "Sleeve God".  He has probably done more sleeves than any other doc in Mexico!  He speaks at a lot of bariatric events and has written about his experiences with his techniques.  I'm sure you will be happy with him. 
Good luck!

Sandy Johnston
Patient Care Coordinator

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