
on 6/8/10 10:23 pm
you said:

I have been watching, with great interest, the Almanza/Betencort issue. I have no financial ties to him nor have I had surgery with him. I don't defend him nor do I bash him.
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/mexico/4186800/ENRAGED/act ion,replies/topic_id,4186800/page,1/

and yet you posted:
Post Date: 4/2/10 12:17 pm
I have made my mind up to go to Dr Almanza as well. I have complete faith in him and the facility. I am more terrified of the flight to and from San Diego. You will be fine.

http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/mexico/4149403/Help/#33911 731

you also said:

Yes I said it. NO I am not trying to be hateful.
http://www.obesityhelp.com/forums/mexico/4186800/ENRAGED/act ion,replies/topic_id,4186800/page,1/

and then this, from your blog:

I have people in my family that are quick to judge me as being hateful when in reality, I am not at all. I am only speaking my mind. I don't usually say things to be hateful and if I were, you would know it. My tongue is very sharp when I need it to be. 


seems to me "hateful" is a part of you.

then there is the total disregard for this kids pain and worry, and your judgemental hateful posts and (how DARE you?) editing of her picture. and yet you post this about your own child:

My son is 9 years old. Lately we have been talking to him about my surgery and what to expect. We have never hidden things from him and now is not the time to start. Shortly after we told him, we started having issues with him. In school, on the bus, . . . I was at my wits end because he has had an awesome year then all of a sudden, BAM! I called the counselor at his school and talked to her. I truly had not put the two issues together, yet. The counselor had a session with him and discovered quite quickly that there was an issue with me having surgery. That night when he got home, we played good list, bad list and worked it all out. We talked about the bad stuff, we made a list of things that we want to do together after I am healthy enough. The list ended with a bit of silliness when he added that we are going to go lizard back riding together.  Whatta nut. The bad list? Oh yeah. We talked about every item on his bad list until he was satisfied. After that, he put the bad list thru the shredder on his own accord. He also agreed to talk to me when he needs help sorting anything out.  I adore my son. He is the single biggest driving factor in me wanting to regain my health.  

Hows about, if you have a bad turn of events with the Doctor you have no financial ties to or investment in, we all jump the **** out of your little boy and tell him you deserved this because you were ignorant and cruel? would that be right? would he deserve that? NO HE WOULDNT. This little girl doesnt either. and let me explain something, cause I know just how warped minds like yours think. "Shes not a little kid, shes MUCH bigger than my son!" Guess what? I have 3 kids, from 11 to 21. and 16 is still a baby. she is still a child, and entitled to the same loving kindness and good thoughts YOUR son would be entitled to if you were this ill. and he would GET it, even though YOU dont deserve it. Because thats how decency works.
MICHELLE HW 315 SW 282                                     
(deactivated member)
on 6/8/10 10:46 pm - AZ
Glad I'm not the only one that thought some of those comments were out of line. Smoking just doesn't cause a surgeon to perforate a stomach. Surgery does not work that way.
on 6/9/10 12:55 am
Now I have NO interest in Almanza beings I canceled my appt with him and reshceduled with someone else BUT I must comment on this post. I agree that the surgical part of the complications had nothing to do with smoking but to say it doesnt matter is unfair to future patients who may smoke. They need to know IT DOES MATTER! It hinders your bodies full potentail to recover. I would hate for someone to read someof these posts and think that it would be ok to continue smoking before surgery. I have had personal private emails with this young lady and talked to her about it. She understands what I am talking about. No I dont think it is ok to send her nasty emails at all but at the same time posts attacking anyone are crazy. As far as smoking and whether or not it could have contributed here is just one study: AGAIN I am not defending the surgeon I am just trying to educate future patients about the risk of continuing smoking before any procedure

Click Here!

Be nice to nurses....we keep doctors from killing you!

on 6/9/10 1:00 am, edited 6/9/10 1:10 am
Well I tried to post a link but it didnt work I will try again. Instead I ended up with some crazy advertisement for mdical books:) Sorry I will try again

BACKGROUND: Smokers are at higher risk of cardiopulmonary and wound-related postoperative complications than non-smokers. Our aim was to investigate the effect of preoperative smoking intervention on the frequency of postoperative complications in patients undergoing hip and knee replacement. METHODS: We did a randomised trial in three hospitals in Denmark. 120 patients were randomly assigned 6-8 weeks before scheduled surgery to either the control (n=60) or smoking intervention (60) group. Smoking intervention was counselling and nicotine replacement therapy, and either smoking cessation or at least 50% smoking reduction. An assessor, who was masked to the intervention, registered the occurrence of cardiopulmonary, renal, neurological, or surgical complications and duration of hospital admittance. The main analysis was by intention to treat. FINDINGS: Eight controls and four patients from the intervention group were excluded from the final analysis because their operations were either postponed or cancelled. Thus, 52 and 56 patients, respectively, were analysed for outcome. The overall complication rate was 18% in the smoking intervention group and 52% in controls (p=0.0003). The most significant effects of intervention were seen for wound-related complications (5% vs 31%, p=0.001), cardiovascular complications (0% vs 10%, p=0.08), and secondary surgery (4% vs 15%, p=0.07). The median length of stay was 11 days (range 7-55) in the intervention group and 13 days (8-65) in the control group. INTERPRETATION: An effective smoking intervention programme 6-8 weeks before surgery reduces postoperative morbidity, and we recommend, on the basis of our results, this programme be adopted.

What, then, is the evidence? Wound infection rates are higher in smokers than in non-smokers who have had joint replacement surgery,1 breast reconstruction,2 “facelifts", and a variety of other plastic surgery procedures.3 For example, with breast reconstruction, abdominal-wall site necrosis is seen in 7.9% of current smokers compared with 1% of non-smokers, and mastectomy-flap necrosis in 7.7% of smokers compared with 1.5% of non-smokers.2 Furthermore, after abdominoplasty, secondary surgery for dehiscence was necessary in 24% of smokers and 8.2% of non-smokers.4
Also here are risks of developing ulcers due to smoking:

Factors in the development of peptic ulcers
Factors suspected of playing a role in the development of stomach or duodenal ulcers include:

  • Helicobacter pylori
    Research shows that most ulcers develop as a result of infection with bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). The bacterium produces substances that weaken the stomach's protective mucus and make it more susceptible to the damaging effects of acid and pepsin, as well as produce more acid.
  • smoking
    Studies show smoking increases the chances of getting an ulcer, slows the healing process of existing ulcers, and contributes to ulcer recurrence.


Be nice to nurses....we keep doctors from killing you!

on 6/9/10 1:34 am
no one ie saying smoking is safe before surgery, not even close. CLEARLY, this is not the result of smoking, though. My entire point is, when a kid comes here looking for support, bashing them over the head and telling them their mother somehow deserved this is less than cool. There are very much more polite ways to say to others "just an FYI, smoking can cause wounds to heal more slowly" without going to the extremes she went to, especially the editing of that picture. If someone felt so strongly about educating others, they could start a new thread that didnt directly address this kids mom and just say "you know, smoking isnt good for you, heres why". This was so wrong.
MICHELLE HW 315 SW 282                                     
on 6/9/10 1:43 am
On June 9, 2010 at 8:34 AM Pacific Time, mome23kjnc wrote:
no one ie saying smoking is safe before surgery, not even close. CLEARLY, this is not the result of smoking, though. My entire point is, when a kid comes here looking for support, bashing them over the head and telling them their mother somehow deserved this is less than cool. There are very much more polite ways to say to others "just an FYI, smoking can cause wounds to heal more slowly" without going to the extremes she went to, especially the editing of that picture. If someone felt so strongly about educating others, they could start a new thread that didnt directly address this kids mom and just say "you know, smoking isnt good for you, heres why". This was so wrong.
I missed anything about a picture? So that is over my head. I only wanted to respond to the smoking issue because of my own mom being a smoker and her problems ect. So no bashing or defending her just educating.

Be nice to nurses....we keep doctors from killing you!

(deactivated member)
on 6/9/10 1:12 am - AZ
I don't think anyone is disputing that smoking is a bad thing but to blame the patients smoking because the surgeon perforated her stomach is insanity at its best and that is what junebug is doing.

An infection is going to happen with any undiagnosed leak, smoker or not. I am assuming she hasn't been smoking for two months since she's been in the hospital for most of that time. So smoking is kind of a non issue at this point.

on 6/9/10 1:24 am - Greensboro, NC
Very well said
"There is a skinny woman trapped inside of me. I can usually shut her up with cookies and chips but today I am setting her free" 
FabBy50 .
on 6/9/10 5:37 am - Everett, WA

God forbid that you go into this surgery and you have complications. Then your son comes here for support and people tell him sorry your mom was obese, that is why she did not do well!! Can you see that is what you are doing to this 16 year old girl??? Rethink your attitude!!
Michelle H.
on 6/9/10 5:53 am - Canada
Well let me tell you, after the way Junebug has treated this child, and has been unable to support her in any way shape or form. I hope that NO ONE will support her with her "Donate NOW" button on her blog. Here all this child is asking for is a hug and support while she watches her lifeless mother fight for her life, and this hateful women has her hand out looking for donations but can't even be kind to those who could potentially be giving her money.
My is Debbie M.......I am to lo24 (Louisa)
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