Surgery Now or Surgery.... Slightly Later?

on 5/9/10 3:12 pm
Ok, so I spoke to my coordinator and she pencilled me in for July 23rd, seemed like a good day, gives me a little more time to save up some money.  Ready to go, right?  Wrong!

I tell my sister about my date, and she says that if I have it sooner, she will drive me down, saving me the cost of a train, bus and hotel!  AND giving me someone to whine to about how tired and nervous I am all the way down.  Um... um.... um...

What do you think?  July 23rd or July 2nd?
on 5/9/10 10:54 pm
If it were me i would rather have family with me. You are only looking at difference of like a few weeks so to me it would be worth going earlier
Eme 2009
on 5/10/10 2:02 am - FL
The sooner, the better...those last few weeks you are going to be so antsy!  (At least I was! :))

HW: 251  SW: 243  CW: 146  Height: 5'6.5"

on 5/10/10 2:43 am - Southern Ontario, Canada
VSG on 07/08/10 with
sooner with family for sure
on 5/10/10 12:06 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
absolutely sooner and with family along and saving the cost of flights etc!




on 5/10/10 5:11 pm
My sister's not staying with me, just driving me down.  It's all set though, for  July 2nd!  That feels so soon!  I'm going to pay for her gas and give her money for the trouble, so I don't have to feel so guilty. 
on 5/11/10 8:22 am - Canada, Canada
and dont feel guilty... thats what family is for.
Not my family mind you... but thats what I have been told.
Best wishes


on 5/12/10 2:25 am
VSG on 06/30/10 with
Funny... I am stuggling with the same from a different POV.  I want to have surgery near a holiday.  I have the money and my date is set for Jume 30th.  I am becoming impatient and thinking of moving my date to May 27th.

The issue with late May is I would have to do it alone.  My husband can not schedule time off that week so he would come Friday after surgery is complete.  I also question whether I am ready for this change in two weeks.

I think I will wait... 6.5 weeks and counting
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