on 1/16/10 1:27 am - Aliso Viejo, CA
 If you or your loved one(s) are looking into choosing Dr. Caloca or his clinic Cemecie Clincia in Tijuana, please contact me first!!
on 1/17/10 5:19 am
(deactivated member)
on 1/18/10 1:20 pm
you can't just say that! and  .... hope to cause concerns for ...nothing?  beware OF THIS POST ... fairly new "member' too...  
on 1/18/10 3:48 pm - Aliso Viejo, CA
 I'm in the process of Legal proceedings with the doctor. If you are planning on choosing him as your Dr, please feel free to email me.

on 9/19/10 2:02 pm
hi im planing to have a surgery w/dr caloca please let me whet happen in you case, thank you
(deactivated member)
on 1/20/10 10:09 pm - Bayonne, NJ
Experiences, good and bad, should be posted with backup pictures.

This is not the first time you've posted like this, and I think you are reticent to post about him on here because you don't want a libel charge.  I have never been to Dr. Caloca, but I have seen countless testimonials from people on Plastic Surgery Journeys. Since they post pics and exactly what they went through, I think I'll believe them.

No doctor is infallible, and I realize that, but posting these smoke and mirror type postings isn't helping anyone - not the people who need to make an informed choice, and certainly not your credibility.
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