Surgery in Mexico? Help please!

on 9/14/09 12:12 am - Canada
Hi! My sister and I are trying to get the money together to have gastric bypass in Mexico. This really scares me. I live in Canada and have been waiting over 2 years for the surgery and can't wait any longer because of my health. Has anyone gotten it done in Mexico? How was the experience? What was the cost? And how are you doing now? Please help me through this I really am worried about leaving the country for surgery. Thank you!
(deactivated member)
on 9/14/09 12:58 am - Canada
You'll see that many many many people have had numerous different surgeries in Mexico. I am Canadian too and will be having my VSG in Mexico Oct 29th with Dr Almanza Reyes. I could have stayed in Canada and received the RNY (either in Ontario or out-of-country) and had it payed for, but I wanted a VSG so I am self-pay. Go to the RNY board and under people's profiles you'll often see the surgeon's name. You can ask them about their experience in Mexico.

I expect recovery will not be too much fun :), I"m just looking forward to the results. You can book relatively quickly, and your preadmissions testing is just part of their package.

Also? Tax deductible medical expense in Canada, so you'll realize a portion of your income tax back :)

on 9/14/09 2:20 am - Canada

I live in Canada too.  I just came back from Mexico and had my VSG with Dr. Almanza.  This was a revision from the lapband which he also did for me last year.  I have great confidence in Dr. Almanza as a surgeon and they treat you very well there.  I have a lady who can give you tons of info if you'd like, or you can also just continue doing research.  I completely understand your fear, I think we all felt like that originally but once you do a lot of reading and research you will see soooooo many people are going to Mexico for the very same reasons you are considering it.  We were tired of putting our lives on hold in a waiting line for surgery here....

I would not worry about going to Mexico for surgery.  I have done it twice and would not hesitate to do it again...when my tummy tuck is needed that ;)

Best of luck with your decission :)



Band 7/13/08-419.5 lbs  VSG 9/3/09-346 lbs  DS 3/7/11 - 315 lbs   CW: 197

on 9/14/09 3:56 am

I went to Mexico for my DS just last month.  Surgeon was Dr. Ungson, and I regard him and his staff very highly.  I had a really good experience and the hospital care was top notch.  Make sure to research your surgeons well, please. 

I spent about 18,000 Canadian dollars for the whole shabang, including airfare and meals for a guest.  The surgery price was quoted to me in Nov 08, so it might be slightly different now.   I flew to Mex. the day before surgery, and stayed for a full two weeks. 

I am doing very well so far, and have lost 25 lbs since the day before surgery.  I thinki this is pretty great, considering I went into the surgery as a "lightweight" at 42 BMI.

If you need more info, please feel free to PM me.


on 9/14/09 6:59 am
i had mines done  by Dr. almanza for 5000.

on 9/15/09 8:22 am - Canada
I know the feeling and what you are going through. I was on the waitlist a total of 4 years in BC before giving up and deciding to go to Mexico. There are many surgeons through out mexico. Check out the company I went through the nice thing about them is they are unbiased they work with a bunch of different surgeons so this really helpped me by having options on where to go. When I first contacted them they quoted me on Dr Aceves, Dr Joya, a few others but I ended up going to Torreon Mexico with a doctor name Daniel Campos he was great and I can not remember his partners name but he was so HOT! haha ok enough of that but yes check them out and good luck to you. If you have any questions about my surgery you can email me. I am not sure if I can put my email address in the forum but hopeffully there is a way to contact me through my username sandrabc.
on 10/1/09 2:22 am - Canada
VSG on 11/10/09 with
I too am having my VSG done in Mexico the first part of November/09.  I have had several surgeries both here in Alberta (extended tummy tuck & breast lift) and in Puerto Vallarta (lipo 3 times & arm and inner thigh lift) over the last 3 years.   I would not pursue another Albertan surgeon, whether it be a gastric or plastic surgeon.  My experience here at home was less than desirable.  I felt degraded and demeaned by my surgeon's lack of bedside manner, experienced many many complications and even then felt that I was not treated with much dignity.  Not to mention the inflated cost and lack of respect for my time (the surgeon being 1.5 hours late for any appointment was just to be expected, except for payday he was on time for the surgeries).

My experience in Mexico was like day and night.  My surgeon made ever effort to be available when I was available for any/all pre and post op appointments.  Even on Sunday.  He is very professional, personable and at no time did I feel that I wasn't being cared for by an expert.  The hospital facilities were cleaner than the hospitals I have been in here at home.  The nurses even sang one day when I was in for an extra day and so they had to give me a sponge bath.  Which I think would be only second to bed pan duty in the less than desireble duties that a nurse and/or orderly performs.  There was always a nurse on staff with fair english language skills but they all understood when requests for pain medication, water, more pillow etc.  So they really do try.  I also did what I could to learn some basic spanish, like water and bathroom.  All in all I would highly reccomend my surgeon, his staff and the hospital facility I was in when in Puerto Vallarta and I am very excited about my upcoming surgery.

I think we will be saying what I read over and over, "I should have done this years ago"

Best of luck with your upcoming surgery!
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