Very Curious

(deactivated member)
on 9/3/09 1:36 pm - AZ
On September 3, 2009 at 8:53 AM Pacific Time, abuddingrose wrote:
I have never been to this board before but am a regular on many of the others.
I must say that I am very curious about those that go to mexico for wls. I understand that is it usually self pay because insurance will not cover and its less expensive.  I am not trying to be dense. but is the process the same? how do you find a dr that you can trust?do they speak english?  Do you need a passport?  How long is the process compared to that in the US?

I am very curious about the whole thing.

Zells_lori is 'abuddingrose' 

If you check out my profile I have lists of how to research Mexican band or sleeve surgeons.

Make sure they are FACS,

Make sure they work out of an actual hospital with an ICU vs. a clinic,

Make sure they are board certified in surgery,

Many things to research.  Do the legwork, research and you'll have a safe surgery.

on 9/8/09 1:56 am
I went to Dr. Ungson in Mexico just 3 weeks ago, and had a great surgical experience.  I had the Duodenal Switch.  Yes, self paid and yes, less expensive than US.    Yes, I needed a passport,and the process moves quickly once you've done your research.  The research takes the longest time because you really want to be sure about which procedure and surgeon you get.  Do your homework and don't rush into anything!

(deactivated member)
on 9/17/09 3:24 am - TN

I was completely against going to Mexico for my VSG surgery at first.  I thought it would be "third world country" like, kwim?  Anyway, I didn't qualify though my insurance company b/c they want you to be half dead before they'll approve...  I researched my local surgeons & discovered they didn't have a lot of VSG experience.  I researched a few other US surgeons & while I found several promising surgeons, cost was also a factor.

So I researched Mexico.  I was very surprised to find a great surgeon that was FACS, ASBS, & had wonderful patient reviews.  The more I researched & talked with patients, the more comfortable I became with the idea of VSG in Mexico.

Once I chose my surgeon, the process was simple.  Fill out the forms (either from the website or from the patient coordinator), get approved for surgery from the surgeon, select surgery date, send my deposit, book my flights, make baby sitting arrangements, wait for surgery day...

My dh and I both felt very special while in Mexico.  They had people at the hospital waiting for us so we didn't have to sit around and wait for the tests & surgeon consult.  It was very refreshing to feel so special!

If you have more questions, feel free to pm me!

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