Latest News Article On Disgraced Dr. Jacobo Joffe

(deactivated member)
on 5/12/09 11:27 pm, edited 5/12/09 11:29 pm
Latest National Post Update On Disgraced Dr. Joffe permalink

Doctor who slept with ‘hot’ twin patients skips reprimand hearing Posted: May 12, 2009, 7:02 PM by Rob Roberts
By Joseph Brean, National Post

Ten years after Jacobo Joffe started sexually abusing women on whom he performed obesity surgery, including the “hot" twin sisters he described as “every man’s fantasy," the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario today delivered a blistering reprimand to an empty desk.

The no-show of Mr. Joffe, once a respected bariatric surgeon at Toronto’s Scarborough Grace Hospital, was an awkward and perplexing first for the college, which regulates doctors in the province.

But Mr. Joffe, having already received the college’s stiffest punishment of license revocation, had little more to lose by skipping his public reprimand, other than any hope of future reinstatement.

Discipline panel chair Dr. Marc Gabel said he was “dismayed" and uncertain what to do, so he stuck to a script that denounced Mr. Joffe for his “shameful" behaviour and “obvious knowledge of the wrongness you were involved in."

“You have not only damaged and brought into disrepute your own name and reputation, but cast a shadow upon the whole profession," he said. “We can only hope that in future you can find a way to correct your moral compass."

The panel last year stripped Mr. Joffe of his medical licence after he pleaded no contest to sexually abusing four women, including the sisters.

All were his patients for operations, such a gastric bypass or laparoscopic band surgery, designed to treat their obesity.

The abuse spanned 1999 to 2006, and included various sex acts performed in the hospital and his office.

In victim impact statements, one woman spoke of going to him at a time of “personal desperation."

“When my life began to get better he took advantage of my feelings of thankfulness toward him," she said.

In the case of the twins, the judgment says Mr. Joffe went to a 2003 Christmas party for lap-band support patients, where he told the twins they were “hot" and kissed them on the lips. From then until 2006, he “attended their home approximately every two weeks and almost every week during the summer months where he engaged in various sexual acts with them..."

He also engaged in illicit drug use with the twins, using street drugs he asked one of them to purchase.

Mr. Joffe was also ordered to pay college legal costs of $3,650, and $40,000 toward a fund for his victims’ therapy, but a college spokeswoman said she could not confirm whether these payments have been made.

Mr. Joffe is also facing a class action lawsuit, filed last month, which also targets the hospital, alleging it “knew or should have known about Joffe’s substance abuse and his predatory sexual behaviour." The hospital denies the allegation, saying in a statement that it only learned about Mr. Joffe’s misconduct in 2007, and took appropriate steps.

Mr. Joffe has reportedly been living in Mexico, where he went to medical school, but keeps a Toronto apartment with a girlfriend who was once a patient.
(deactivated member)
on 5/14/09 3:57 am - AZ
On May 13, 2009 at 6:27 AM Pacific Time, ShamelessBandster wrote:
Latest National Post Update On Disgraced Dr. Joffe permalink

Doctor who slept with ‘hot’ twin patients skips reprimand hearing Posted: May 12, 2009, 7:02 PM by Rob Roberts
By Joseph Brean, National Post

Ten years after Jacobo Joffe started sexually abusing women on whom he performed obesity surgery, including the “hot" twin sisters he described as “every man’s fantasy," the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario today delivered a blistering reprimand to an empty desk.

The no-show of Mr. Joffe, once a respected bariatric surgeon at Toronto’s Scarborough Grace Hospital, was an awkward and perplexing first for the college, which regulates doctors in the province.

But Mr. Joffe, having already received the college’s stiffest punishment of license revocation, had little more to lose by skipping his public reprimand, other than any hope of future reinstatement.

Discipline panel chair Dr. Marc Gabel said he was “dismayed" and uncertain what to do, so he stuck to a script that denounced Mr. Joffe for his “shameful" behaviour and “obvious knowledge of the wrongness you were involved in."

“You have not only damaged and brought into disrepute your own name and reputation, but cast a shadow upon the whole profession," he said. “We can only hope that in future you can find a way to correct your moral compass."

The panel last year stripped Mr. Joffe of his medical licence after he pleaded no contest to sexually abusing four women, including the sisters.

All were his patients for operations, such a gastric bypass or laparoscopic band surgery, designed to treat their obesity.

The abuse spanned 1999 to 2006, and included various sex acts performed in the hospital and his office.

In victim impact statements, one woman spoke of going to him at a time of “personal desperation."

“When my life began to get better he took advantage of my feelings of thankfulness toward him," she said.

In the case of the twins, the judgment says Mr. Joffe went to a 2003 Christmas party for lap-band support patients, where he told the twins they were “hot" and kissed them on the lips. From then until 2006, he “attended their home approximately every two weeks and almost every week during the summer months where he engaged in various sexual acts with them..."

He also engaged in illicit drug use with the twins, using street drugs he asked one of them to purchase.

Mr. Joffe was also ordered to pay college legal costs of $3,650, and $40,000 toward a fund for his victims’ therapy, but a college spokeswoman said she could not confirm whether these payments have been made.

Mr. Joffe is also facing a class action lawsuit, filed last month, which also targets the hospital, alleging it “knew or should have known about Joffe’s substance abuse and his predatory sexual behaviour." The hospital denies the allegation, saying in a statement that it only learned about Mr. Joffe’s misconduct in 2007, and took appropriate steps.

Mr. Joffe has reportedly been living in Mexico, where he went to medical school, but keeps a Toronto apartment with a girlfriend who was once a patient.

Since he went to medical school in MX I am assuming he is licensed there too??  Hope not, I do hope he doesn't continue surgery.

Thanks for posting this!

(deactivated member)
on 6/2/09 10:02 am, edited 6/2/09 10:03 am
Surprise! (Not)   Joffe turns up in Mexico to work as a doctor now that his license was revoked in Ontario, Canada. iew&id=15&Itemid=8
on 6/9/11 11:03 pm - Mississauga, Canada
 Ok so he made a mistake and dated soem patients... they werent kids and knew what they were doing
he is an amazing surgeon and I owe him my life
he isnt a predator or pervert .. yes he was wrong to get involved with patients .. hell I would have dated him... 
no on elistendd to me when I cried for help
he gave me back my life ..he saved me..and I told him I loved him.. platonically of course... 
But I will stand by him an d the compassion he has for ove weight people

If you read this DOCTOR Joffe.. I owe you my life and will forever be gratefull
these girls knew exactly what they were doing and sounded a bit lose from what i read
geeesh... twins ..3somes drugs ..come on they werent innocent by no means

hang tough Doctor Joffe ... besides if i need you again you are cheaper in Mexico huh lol
get me a plastic surgeon there to fix all this loose skin I have now thanks to the 117 piunds you help me lose and I am coming for a visit ...

you are the best and my hero


on 6/28/09 10:39 am - Canada
Dr. Joffe is "practicing" his skills at a bariatric clinic in Mexico.

I made the unfortunate mistake of having him as my surgeon one month before the decision was handed down and have paid for it ever since.  Without going into details, since there may be a lawsuit, I have to undergo another surgery due to his negligence.  Obviously, his mind was elsewhere when he was operating on me!!
Mary G.
on 9/13/10 11:23 pm - Canada
Dr. Joffee operated on me too....can you tell me what complications you have?  I am trying to figure out if what I am going through now has anything to do with my surgery that I had a few years back.
on 1/27/12 6:39 am
 Hi Susan,

My name is Bianca and I'm from Global Television's Current Affairs show 16x9. We're working on a story about Dr. Joffe and are looking to find a former patient of his who had the procedure done. If you would be interested in learning more information please do not hesitate to reply and we will exchange contact information.

Thanks hope to hear from you. 
on 2/4/12 1:58 pm
Hi Bianca
In 2001 Dr Joffe operated on me and I nearly died.  I had a horrible experience and was open from the surgery for 11 months.  It is a long story to put in this post but would be willing to talk to you about it if you are interested.   I have just learned about him losing his licence.

on 2/27/12 2:44 am
 I had WLS in Toronto by Dr. Joffe in April 2007 and gall bladder removal surgery in November 2007. I never in any way felt he was inappropriate during my visits with him pre and post op. I am very thankful for everything he has done for me. I have had no complications out of the ordinary or any that weren't explained to me thoroughly before surgery. He was very up front with all of the serious risks. I was shocked to find out the accusations and outcomes.  
on 10/30/10 8:52 am
Hi Mary,

I also had a band installed by Jacobo Joffe. I had tangible problems. Can we perhaps email?  Let me know if you are in agreement.

Susan M.
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