Got a great tasting protein!!!

on 2/27/09 3:18 am

Hi everyone!!

I just got a great tating prottein, a friend recommeded it, it's called syntha-6 and you can get it anywhere they sell nutrition stuff like GNC, I got it off of bcs it ws cheaper  it tastes so good!!! I think the Isopure has more pretein per serving but I cannot stand the taste! Has anyone ever tasted the unjury????


Ramona W

on 3/1/09 12:46 pm - Whittier, CA
Hi Ramona,

A banded friend of mine tried the Unjury and did not like it at all.

I found a good protein at Costco.  It's called Premier Nutrition Protein and comes individually packaged in like a juice box kind of container.  It's got 30 g's of protein and 1 gram of sugar per serving (1 serving per container).  I bought the chocolate and am happy with the taste. 

The best part is that I can throw one in my purse and when I'm on the road and need to eat, I just pull it out, pop a straw in and I'm all set.  THe case held 18 containers and if I remember correctly, cost about $24 (in Los Angeles).  That comes out to about $1.30 per serving.  If you are looking for it, look for the box that has the word "Protein" in large letters.  The "Premier Nutrition" is very small and you'll never find it, lol!

I use a power protein when I'm at home or work but this is very portable and easy to used when needed.  I'm going to try syntha-6 too!

I'll let you know what I think :)
~The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.

on 3/2/09 4:15 am
Hi Laura!

Thank you so much for your response, I will look for the Premier protein, I think I know which one you're talking about... the package is white right?

I appreciate the tip! Have a great day!

Ramona W.

on 3/11/09 11:27 pm, edited 3/11/09 11:28 pm - north port, FL
Up until recently the only protein drink I could stand was Unjury.... Mixed with skim milk it is wonderful!    However went to a support group meeting where they were sampling protein powders and found fuzzy navel nector sold by which is just as awsome and mixes with water making it a more portable option... anyhow I am 3 years out and have only found these 2 protein powders that match my taste buds.... have tried lots and lots of others   Hope this helps!
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