Dr. Joya and Gerald - Should I be careful?

on 1/20/08 12:52 am - Oakland, CA
Hello All - I was just wondering if I should go with Dr. Joya? I read so many great things about him and had done plenty of research on my own so I decided to go with him. I had some questions and had sent him a email without sharing any information about myself (BMI, Health,) and the response I got was a intructional email to deposit a non refundable amount into a bank account! They don't know anything about me and they're willing to go ahead with the surgery?? Did anyone else experience this? The other doctors I looked into all corresponded with me to get my information and even then they didn't bring up payment methods until I asked. Asking for a non refundable deposit without knowing if I qualify is making me think they don't care about the patiant and is more intersted in the money! Please share you experiences with me if Dr. Joya was your doctor! He sounds like a great doctor and the right choice I just want to be 110% sure!
on 1/20/08 7:29 am - Charlotte, NC
RNY on 02/21/08 with
I am going to use Dr. Joya and am having Surgery on the 21st of february. When I first contact them I called and spoke with Gerald and they sent me a tone of emails about pre-op diet, medical history and about the deposit. He seems to be an excellent doctor and many people have used him. Let's be honest they are in it for the money, if they were interested in helping people they would be with Dr's without borders. I tink that once people decide to go to Mexico we have already been thru so much that we know the drill. I also had a problem that my emailis with yahoo and a good protion of my email never get's to me.
Sandra Mannaravalappil......The Best Darn Chubby Realtor in Charlotte LOL

on 1/20/08 11:02 pm - Loveland, CO
Lap Band on 03/17/06 with
Just contact Gerald again. I was definitely asked my BMI before I was sent the deposit info. I was also sent an info packet that I had to fill out on my health. This was all in the process of preparing to send in my deposit. The response you got is a little strange.. but no issues here from Dr. Joya or Gerald..
on 1/23/08 1:18 pm - Jonesboro, AR
VSG on 03/17/08 with
Im having surgery with Dr. Joya in March. I agree with the others who posted.  I got the info about the deposit, plus all of the other info on pre-op diet, medical history, etc. So, Dr. Joya has my medical history form, which is very detailed and has plenty of places that you can add whatever you think is necessary to it. If he thinks that im not a good candidate due to a health issue, he will contact me before I leave for Mexico. I think they are all very thorough...as much as they can be. Also, i asked Gerald if they had ever had to turn anyone away for some reason. He told me that he remembers one woman who got there and they were not able to do her surgery...so they did refund some of the money. Of course, that upfront deposit is for the airfare for the most part. I know my plane tickets are costing more than the deposit (im getting 3 seats)..so i will pay the balance once I get there. Ive talked to so many wonderful people on here that have used Dr. Joya and everyone has great things to say about him. good luck


Laura the Future

on 1/25/08 6:09 am - Edmonton, Canada
RNY on 07/27/07 with
I love Gerald and Dr. Joya... I paid my deposit before I filled out all of my medical paperwork.. They won't let you actually fly down there until they've got your medical history and what not in hand.. don't worry, Joya would never operate on someone unprepared.
HW: 366, SW: 342, GW: 165, Maintaining at: 185 (No longer tracking weight loss. Pregnant and due May 1, 2011!)

There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept responsibility for changing them.

on 2/11/08 2:52 am - Kirkland, WA
Hi, I am going to get RNY on 2/28/2008 with Dr. Joya. I got some recommendations from Puerto Vallarta (I have an apartment there and some friends) that he is one of the best.  I think, that here in States they are also for money, not exactly for love. The difference is the size of the team: there are 4 of them and here ususally 10 and more people. However, I have read about many people have issues with hospital care here: not enough nurses, they do not see theor doctor, can not get help in time.  I read about their care: so far it sounds better. As for nutrition and psichological evaluation, I have read SO MUCH that probably can consult people on both. We are not maling these decisions lightly, do we? We know the risks, and we know why we still proceed with it. Good luck! I am already on teh pre-op diet and will go there in 16 days. I promise to keep you posted ahen I come back.

on 2/20/08 3:25 am - CRAWFORD, GA
must have been a mix up i had to fill out an extensive surgical review form. had lap rny in 2005 with them very nice gang!buttttt don't take my word for it contact them again! i relly think you would be happy with dr.j vicki g
254/147/126 lovin it!
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