Jennifer W.
on 10/4/07 10:33 am - Kimberly, OR
I am having Dr. Martin Salvador Valencia perform my surgery on December 10th 2007. My question is : Has anyone gone through "A Lighter Me" (www.alighterme.com ) for their surgeries? How did they do the payment if it weren't be financing or credit card? I am doing cash and I am just NOT comfortable sending checks to an internet site. Am I being silly?

Laura N.
on 10/4/07 2:54 pm
Hi There, I sent my deposit directly to Dr Valencia & gave him the ballance in cash when I got there. Laura


Jennifer W.
on 10/4/07 10:24 pm - Kimberly, OR
Jennifer W.
on 10/4/07 10:24 pm - Kimberly, OR
How do I contact him to do that?

Laura N.
on 10/5/07 3:44 am
Dr Valencia's web site is obesityfree.com, try to reach him that way. Good Luck. Laura


Jennifer W.
on 10/6/07 2:42 am - Kimberly, OR
Thanks! I spoke with him extensively last night on the phone. I am so excited. Deposit is being sent to Sandy today!!!  Thanks to everyone for their insight. Jen

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