RNY by Dr. Aceves in Mexicali

on 9/4/07 4:58 pm
I am planning on going SOTB to have RNY and I am looking at using Dr. Aceves, has anyone used him for the gastric bypass if so I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on him.
on 9/4/07 9:16 pm - Fairfield, TX

Myself and three others went to Mexico to have WLS by Dr. Aceves in the first week of July. My husband and bestfriend had RNY and another friend and my self had a lapband done. Everyone did well except my husband he had a leak and had another surgery 24hrs later. We spent 17 days @ the hospital in Mexico and 10 more here in the US fitting 2 kinds of staph infection and pneumonia...This surgery has cost our family over 50k and my husband still has trouble with eating daily....You can email me and I'll give you my whole story. Please think hard about this MAJOR surgery outside of the US...Take Care, Lori Evans

on 9/6/07 12:43 am - Dundee, FL
Please keep in mind that everyone is different. Don't be discouraged by something that happens to one person. I read the posts on the Florida Board and the same situations come up and people do have complications. Regardless of where you have the surgery.  I had my surgery last year with Dr. Rumbaut in Mexico. He was a little more pricey than the others but I have always beleieved in the old saying "You get what  you pay for". And his track record is awesome. I fell totally in love with him once I met him!  But that was my decision.  I have also heard many good things about Dr. Aceves. This message board used to be very active. People were posting all day every day but now it goes days without a post being up. There was always good posts about Dr. Aceves on there. Do more investigating. Find out who has had surgery with him and get their opinions. I spoke with about 50 people who had surgery with Dr. Rumbaut and everyone of them had nothing but great things to say. The biggest complaint was, the language barrier at the hospital. But I did not even have that problem. Talk to people who used Dr. Aceves. Do your research!  I wish you the very best of luck. It will definitely be the best decision you have ever made. Trust me! I started out at close to 300 lbs and I am now down under 150. I feel wonderful. The only thing is .... I try doing things now that I could never do before. Like on Sunday.... I went to West Virginia for a four day trip to visit family and decided to be a dare devil. I squeezed my body into a little motorized Barbie Jeep and rode it down a huge hill. I freaked out about half way down, flipped it, it rolled over on top of me and I ended up in the hospital ER with Cartilidge seperated from my ribs, a hematoma the size of a baseball on my knee and bruises from head to toe. I would NEVER have tried that at 300lbs!!   So being smaller has it's advantages and disadvantages!! I think I have learned a lesson!! Have a great day and if you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Traci Baylon
on 9/6/07 4:12 am
on 9/10/07 10:57 am - St. Albans, VT
Traci is sooooo right! I worked in general surgery here in Vermont for 3 years and tool care of many RNY patients. We sent lots of them back to intensive care and surgery to fix a problem.  It happens, no matter where you have your surgery.  If your surgeon does not have any complications, he or she is LYING!   Surgery on an obese person is dangerous and risky, no matter what surgery it is for, it's just risky. Everyone needs to remember that before surgery. People are quick to blame the surgeon when a problem comes up and most of the time it is not related to the surgeon's skill at all. Good luck! Bonnie
on 9/15/07 12:13 am - Fairfield, TX

Research not only the surgent but the fuacility...Aceves did NOT move my husband into a intensive care unit but keep him in the same rooms put aside for the americans WLS patients. There were not respetor therapist or breathing treatments just an OLD c-pap mechine put on him every couple of hours for a few days. They did labs on him twice the whole 17days and NO micro to find the staff infections @ all. The medicine used on americans with Dr. Aceves @ his hospital is NOT what a patient gets in the US. I'm a therapist and had I not got my husband up and moving dailey they would have not. They didn't even use gloves 90% of the time. I had to pursue all medical intervention for us. The language barrier was horrible along with sexist attitudes about me a woman asking questions to these men (doctors). I wish I had read a post about the patient that did have a leak/complication before choosing Dr. Aceves. I would have gone another rought. Dr. Aceves skill level was not our major problem besides your not transceted just stapled with his RNY...Our problem was the non medical treatment/ interventions that were not availble to us....RESEARCH would have told us that....I'm here to tell our story/experience. Sincerely, Lori Evans

Laura the Future

on 9/21/07 3:08 pm - Edmonton, Canada
RNY on 07/27/07 with
Yeah don't let one persons bad experience discourage you.. I had my RNY done SOTB and it went fantastic.. just do your research.
HW: 366, SW: 342, GW: 165, Maintaining at: 185 (No longer tracking weight loss. Pregnant and due May 1, 2011!)

There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist, or accept responsibility for changing them.

on 10/12/07 7:13 am - Canada
Hi Mrs. Murphy - I am in your shoes - it is October 12th - I'm wondering what you decided and how you have found Dr. Aceves.  The post on your message list was the only bad thing I have been able to find about Dr. Aceves....would love an update. Thanks! Jenni
on 10/20/07 10:26 am - Aberdeen, WA
I would love an update, too!  I am scheduled for surgery by Dr. Aceves on Nov. 2.  I am very excited but of course I am nervous.  How did everything go for you?
(deactivated member)
on 11/13/07 12:00 pm - AZ
A friend and I met you and your husband while I was in Mexicali getting a fill. Don't you think you are leaving out parts of this story?  For example AFTER your husband had a leak and five full days AFTER his complications you requested a revision for what you called a blown stoma?  After your husband had a leak, five full days later you asked Dr. Aceves to do a revision surgery from bypass to band. If Dr. Aceves was such a horror why, after your husbands complications, did you ask that Dr. Aceves then do surgery on you? I know the story here, you and your husband told us while we were in Mexicali.  You are not telling the whole truth here.  You are leaving out about 90% of the story. Com'on, fair is fair.  Your husband even apologized to us for your behaviors while he was hospitalized.  If you are going to tell the story at least tell the whole story.
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