Trying to come to a conclusion Bypass vs lap band

on 4/18/07 3:46 am - VT
I'm going to meet witha Dr May 22 2007 from my area I am 5'9 28 yrs & around 290lbs. Drs more interested in doing the lap band vs bypass. I'm Unsure. I have a friend that had open bypass about 1 yr ago and she doing great. I have info on the band but am looking for peoples input. If you could give me any information on your experiences that would be great! -Like Weight and then time and amount lost. (I know everybody is different) -complacations -time frame eating & work with the effects it had on you Sorry if I'm being to nosey, I just want to view everything openly and with as mch information as I can get... Thanks Meagan
on 4/18/07 6:20 am - Dundee, FL
Hi Meagan: It is totally understandable that you would have questions and want to research all avenues. I did the same thing! My doctor asked me this question: Is it what you are eating or how much you are eating that has put the weight on you? My answer was - It is what I am eating. The reason he asked this question is because if you are a carb/sugar/fat eater (high calorie foods) then you are a candidate for Gastric Bypass. If you are a bulk eater/overeater, then the band would be the way to go. But this is something you would want to talk over with your doctor. I ended up having Laproscopic RNY. I started out at 281lbs at 5'8" and had my surgery back in March of 2006. I am now at 147lbs. I feel great and had no complications. Not the first one! But everyone is different. I was back at work after three weeks and I know people who had Laproscopic RNY that went back to work after two weeks. I think a lot of it depends on what you do for a living. If you work in a factory, I would think that you would not want to go back to work so soon. If you work in an office, then probably a lot sooner! I wish you the very best regardless of whatever decision you make. And if you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Hugs, Traci Baylon
on 4/19/07 8:33 am - Sunny Southern, CA
Hi Meagan, I thought I'd give you this link if you haven't stumbled across it yet. It might help you in your decision: Loving my RNY (-109) ~Michelle
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