follow up
Hi Kerry!
I had lap rny w/Dr. Rumbaut 6/2005. I have fortunately had an easy post op. I discussed my follow up with my PCP before surgery. He agreed since it's only lab work anyway. I was involved with a local RNY group and got all the needed information from them. What you need to eat and the supplements you need to take, etc and what their follow up is. They even offered to follow up with me if I chose to but my insurance will not pay for anything if it's coded with gastric bypass. My PCP bills everything with diabetes so it's covered. One of the reasons I chose RNY is because the major hospital in my area only does RNY for weight loss surgery and if a true emergency arose, they would be able to care for me appropriately. You sould really research your local area to make sure this is available to you in the event of an emergency. I decided that if an emergency happened, I would deal with the money issue later, but at least they'd be able to save my life! Plan for the worst, pray for the best, you know? It also helps that my local hospital accepts federal funds, meaning that they are legally not allowed to turn someone away because of their inability to pay. I went through the local follow up with my friend who had her surgery here. They did lab work, asked her what she was eating, made a few diet change suggestions, said good job and we were out of there. If you really educate yourself, you can do this.
Good luck with your choices!