Tax deductions
In my quest to discover if WLS is deductable if performed in Mexico, I have discovered the following;
Acording to IRS publication 502, you may deduct;
the physicians
the hospital
lodging not to exceed $50 a night
medications purchased in the U.S.
22 cents a mile travel
special nutrition if need is substantiated by your physician
You may not deduct gym dues or medications purchased outside of the U.S.
This information is from 2005. The amounts may change for 2006.
You are right, Cassandra, about the 7%.
For my husband and I, our surgeries, plus mileage, insurance premiums, kid's braces..ect. easily exceeds 7%. This year will be the first year we have ever been able to take medical deductions. If we had thought about it in advance we might have opted for a flexible medical spending acount instead. It will be nice to get money back for a change.