10 month surgiversary

on 8/25/06 1:58 pm - Twin Falls, ID
So today is my 10 month surgiversary from my RNY Gastric Bypass, I went and weighed over at my local LA Weight Loss Center and I am down another 13 pounds from last month. I now weigh 317 pounds, for most people that is a whole hell of a lot of weight, but for me, that is a freaking miracle, I have not been at this weight since early high school, so like 15 years ago at least. I am losing about 1/2 pound per day, which is right where my doc says I should be, and right where my surgeon said I would be at this point. I could speed it up if I wanted with exercise but I am just barely getting my balance, I would hate to mess something up by trying to exercise and falling. I am moving more, walking and climbing stairs at work, eating healthy, low cal, low carb, zero sugar, & high protein. I try real hard not to snack and if I do it is not junk 99% of the time, sometimes I have a sugar free candy but usually it is some nuts (high protein) or a couple wheat thins (protein & fiber). My biggest downfall has always been snacking, I am a "grazer" - I could just munch all day before on little stuff and it never seemed like much but at the end of the day it added up... refuse to get back onto that path. Anyway that is my update... Here is the breakdown~ Oct 2005 - 500lbs, August 2006 - 317 that is a loss of 183 pounds in 10 months. Good for me!!! Kisses to you all ~ Jeremy
on 8/25/06 4:41 pm - jersey shore, NJ
Just a vistor....looking for info on doctors in mexico for my sister, but I couldn't help but say holy cow and way to go! Hope you get your balance back soon! Once you start exercising the pounds will come of faster and faster, plus you will have so much more energy! Keep up the GREAT work! Getting banded on Monday, wish me luck, Lisa
on 8/26/06 1:35 pm - Twin Falls, ID
Awesome, good luck on Monday!!! I am sure that everything will be just fine. My thoughts are with you.. (((HUGS))) Take Care - Jeremy
on 8/26/06 7:14 am - Sanford, NC
Jeremy, you've done so awesome! Congrats! Honestly, I haven't exercised either. I live in S Florida and the summer days are like 98 degrees with 80% humidity. When it cools down more and I lose a few more pounds, I'm looking forward to walking my daughter to school and getting outside more. Bridget
Traci L.
on 8/27/06 7:22 am - Henderson, NY
Hey, Jeremy. Your weight loss is awesome!!! Way to go. I'm exercising daily and don't think the weight is coming off any faster, so don't stress! Take care. Traci
on 8/29/06 5:41 am - CRAWFORD, GA
love your pickyou are really amazing! keep up the work!after reading this post i realized what my next tatoo is going to be a cow!(i'm a grazer to!)
on 8/29/06 10:32 am - Abilene, KS
Hey Jeremy!!!! You deserve a big happy dance!!! I applaud you. Keep up the excellent work Jeremy! My anniversary is coming up on the 15th of next month, and so far I'm down 135#. Isn't it great to have a new life! Cheers to you! Ally
Sun Smith
on 9/3/06 3:10 am - Seattle, WA
Wow. Great work Jeremy! Congratulations. -Pam
on 9/13/06 10:05 am - OK
good for you !!! I am so proud of you. Did you get my street address????
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