
on 8/13/06 2:23 pm - mesa, AZ
RNY on 07/26/06 with
I think I have hit my first road block. For some reason I do not feel like I am progressing like I should. I am feeling very depressed. I think it might be a combination that my son who has a disability is starting school tomorrow ( 3rd grade ). I have been with him all summer and now I will be all alone all day long. I am going to miss him. I know it is not forever but for some reason I am having major issues with it. I have been waking up with my blood sugars low and it makes it hard for me to get up and going because I feel like crap. I feel like I should be losing more. I have gone from 300 to 265. I bought some keytone sticks to check my urine and there is just a trace of keytones in my urine. We had relatives visit and my grandma put on a big spread. I was so depressed sitting there while everyone was eating. I could not walk away there was no where to go. I also keep reading the paper work that we are given on diet and vitamins and I think that I am not grasping what I am doing. I prob am doing it right but just dont want to mess up. Had surgery July 26 anyone have any help on diet and vitamins would be appreciated. Sorry so long, I just am feeling so blue right now. If you got this far thank you for reading. Take care. Tanya
Traci L.
on 8/13/06 9:22 pm - Henderson, NY
Hi, Tanya. I'm sorry you're feeling so down. I can totally relate, trust me. I can't give you any advice... I'm only a few weeks out, myself. But I can tell you, it seems like depression comes with the territory! I'm fighting it, too. As far as missing your son, could you volunteer at his school? Maybe go in to have lunch with him? I'm so blessed. I'm a teacher and my kids go to school where I teach, so I can pop in whenever I feel like it. I think your weight loss sounds really good, actually. I'm 7 weeks out and have lost 41. You're way ahead of me, really. I also know what you mean about wanting to walk away during that big meal... I actually did walk away. My mother made a big meal the week after I got home from my 3rd surgery. I couldn't take it, so I walked outside... and then walked home (right next door). What does your doctor say to do about your low blood sugar? Please take care, Tanya... and keep posting. This is a great place for support. Traci PS.... If you feel well enough, go get a pedicure or something you like that will pamper you. We deserve to feel good!!!
on 8/14/06 4:28 am - Duvall, WA
Hi Tanya! I rarely post anymore but I felt I needed to reply. I had surgery (RNY) just over two years ago. I remember crying my eyes out those first few months. There were parties, and weddings and birthdays and so on and so on. Everything was food focused and I was too (I couldn't eat)! I was so dizzy some days I was afraid to get up. However, my life would not be like it is now if I had not had the surgery. All this will pass and the joy you will find in your new life is unexplainable!!!!!! My life is so different and I am so glad I chose to have RNY. It is hell but it is WORTH IT! Focus on the furture, you can do it!
on 8/14/06 4:49 am - mesa, AZ
RNY on 07/26/06 with
Hello and thank you for your encouragement. I do feel better today I am not faced with counters and tables full of food. I needed the encouragment. I am glad that you are 2 years out and able to keep the weight off. I hope to keep at it and stop this madness all together. I know it is still a life long battle even with surgery. I am just trying to stay strong and positive. Thank you again. Take care. Tanya
on 8/14/06 5:11 am - Watertown, WI
RNY on 05/16/06 with
First off Congratulations,,, this was a HUGE step. Here is a little advice for you! Breathe! You can do this, you did not get fat over night and you won't get skinny in a day. My friend had her surgery 3 weeks prior to Thanksgiving 2 years ago, now that was a feast that made it hard to avoid. I asked her how she did it. She said it was not Thanksgiving that was so hard, but the Christmas cookies and Christmas meals almost did her in. But then she took a step back and refocused on the holidays and what was really important to her, it was her friends and family. She made the concious decision to focus on the holiday and make the food secondary. She said it was the best holiday she had in years, she talked to family members she normally wouldn't have really "talked to" and got to know them better! I guess what I am saying for all of who have spent our holidays and life revolving around food, take a step back, why are you attending this functions, is it for just the food or is it to spend time with friends and family? Just a thought! Take Care! Christina
on 8/19/06 11:45 pm - LEES SUMMIT, MO
RNY on 09/11/06 with
Tanya, Sorry your feeling depressed about your son. I hope it gets better for you. As far as you blood sugar dropping and feeling tired. Ask your doctor if its ok for you to by over the counter glucose tabs like diabetics use for low blood sugar. I havent had the surgery yet but I get hypoglycemic and am going to carry glucose tabs with me afterwards incase I start feeling that way. I have had my blood sugar drop below 65 before and that can be dangerous, so I eat frequent meals now. I know that after the surgery I probably wont be able to eat much so I will carry those just in case I start feeling bad. You just put them in your mouth and they disolve. Just a suggestion, but check with your doc.
Sun Smith
on 8/22/06 1:43 pm - Seattle, WA
I'm glad you are feeling better than when you posted this. I was told that a lot of hormones are stored in the fat. And with the weight loss the hormones get released and emotions get stretched. I know there were periods in the first couple of months I'd get depressed for no real reason. Normally I'm fairly up, so it was a surprise. -Pam
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