Hey, I'm back!

Traci L.
on 8/1/06 4:01 am - Henderson, NY
Hi everyone! I want to thank you all SO MUCH for your prayers, emails, and posts. You've really been a huge source of support for my husband and me. I am not totally better yet and spend a large part of the day crying. I guess the past 5 weeks have really taken a toll on me! My incision really pains me, and I don't have any sublingual meds left (and there's no way I'm taking crushed pills...gag), so I guess I just have to deal with it. I still feel "funny" in my tummy. I don't know what's up with that. I'm hungry, but hate to eat because I'll probably dry heave about 15 minutes later, or just feel kind of logy. I'm experimenting with what I can eat. Deli turkey seems to be my friend, but I get sick of foods so fast! I haven't dared try grilled chicken yet for fear I'll (which I just hate!). I'm trying very hard to get in enough water. After 3 hospital stays in 4 weeks, I don't want to end up back in the hospital dehydrated!!! I'm drinking Dasani with lots of ice and a slice of lemon. Other than that, nothing tastes good... is that normal? Well, I don't want to bore you, so I'm going to close. It's still very tiring to sit up for any length of time, but I'll try to post more often. Thank you again to all of you! I love you so much!!! Traci
on 8/1/06 5:29 pm - las vegas, NV
Lap Band on 06/12/06 with
I know you don't know me but I have been following your journey and glad to see you posting and glad you are on the mend!!!! Boy have you been thru enough!!!!
Traci L.
on 8/1/06 10:37 pm - Henderson, NY
Thanks, Linda!!! I agree... enough is enough! Take care. Traci
on 8/2/06 2:55 am - Sunny Southern, CA
Yeah Traci!! So glad to see you back on the boards and on the mend. Continued prayers for a quick recovery! Now it's time for tons of WOW moments only good times ahead! ~Michelle
Traci L.
on 8/2/06 9:27 pm - Henderson, NY
Hi, Michelle. Thanks for responding. I keep thinking of the day we met and how great you were doing! Then I ask myself, "Why me?" Not that I want ANYONE to have to go thru what I have. It's been hell, really. It's 7:25 in the morning here in northern NY. I've been for a walk already. I keep waking up earlier and earlier every day. What's up with that? Now I've had my vitamins and am drinking water... and thinking about what I can tolerate for breakfast. What are you eating? How much have you lost? Talk to you later. Traci
on 8/3/06 4:43 am - Sunny Southern, CA
Dear Traci, I know I remember when you and your husband came in to visit me I hoped you would have as easy a time as I had. I'm sure it will be smooth sailing from here on out... to God's ears. I'm doing well. I really chalk it up to the private nursing care at the apartment. I had Alejandra and she was so great. It was nice to have someone confirm that I was doing "¡Excelente!" each day. I had her for 4 days. I needed that comfort being there alone. I stayed 9 days total and of course living so close I had Bambi practically drive me home. No planes w/ layovers Thank God. I don't know how you did it. I did have a bout with a kidney infection/stone ended up in the ER 2 weeks after surgery but antibiotics and a little pain medicine later it passed. I suffered from those prior to surgery. I'd say I'm about 90%. I wish I had more energy but I think it's the weather. It's been so hot here (only cooled down this past few days) so I walk in the evening sometimes a mile sometimes 3 depending on my energy level. I've lost 43 pounds as of Tuesday. I keep introducing new foods daily some work out and some not so much. I'm on a chicken wing kick right now (lemon garlic) and I love fish and crab. For breakfast I do yogurt and granola mostly sometimes eggs. Lunches are cucumber salads with feta or cotija cheese and avocado, minestrone, small wedge of a quesadilla, leftovers... things like that. Some days are better than others. Vitamins I'm doing fine but I really need to work on upping my water I'm just taking things one day at a time. I'm so glad to see you posting again!! I wish you continued success and only great days ahead. Love, Michelle
on 8/4/06 3:34 pm - Sanford, NC
Glad to see you back!
Traci L.
on 8/6/06 12:39 am - Henderson, NY
Thanks, Bridget... glad to FINALLY be back!!! Traci PS... Your new picture is beautiful!!!
on 8/8/06 12:27 pm - Dundee, FL
Traci: I too followed your journey closley and kept you in my prayers. I am so sorry about everything you have gone through. I know you don't believe it right now, but in a few months I am sure you will say it was all worth it. I promise. It is very hard to eat at first. I am five months and one week out now and I still have problems with certain foods. I learned quickly to stay away from the carbs. Crackers, sugar free cookies, whatever, they would get stuck and I would barf! And I hated drinking things too. Everyone kept saying how wonderful Crystal Light was and Propel Water and nothing tasted good. But now, I love the stuff. It just takes time. One thing that I could tollerate well from the beginning was Carb Control Yogurt Smoothies. I still drink them every day. I am down 85 lbs now and feel great. If you would have asked me four months ago if I would recommend the surgery to anyone, I would have said no. I used to ask myself, Why did I do this? And everyone kept telling me tp give it time, it will get better. It was very hard to believe! But do you know what? They were right. I would do it again in a minute and I feel wonderful. I have learned how to eat, what my limits are and I am satisfied. My cousin had the surgery six weeks before me and almost died. It was touch and go for almost a month for her and then she pulled through. She had several blood clots and thank God when she threw the first one, she was at the hospital or she would have died. She is doing much better now and if you would ask her was it worth the suffering, I am sure she would tell you yes. You are in my prayers! The "Other" Traci Traci Baylon
Traci L.
on 8/8/06 9:27 pm - Henderson, NY
Hi, Traci. Wow, I'm so glad your cousin is OK... what a time! Thanks for your response. Apparently, patience isn't my stong suit, lately... I want to feel good NOW and I want to stop having problems eating NOW. UGH! It's so hard. I'll have to try the smoothies you mentioned... I got sick of yogurt after the first couple of weeks, but smoothies might go down better.... and get me some extra protein. I'm glad you're doing well, although I'm a a bit scared to hear it wasn't til you were that far out! I teach and must go back to work in about 4 weeks... I'm hoping I'm strong enough by then to do it. My weight loss is almost at a standstill right now, too... which is very disheartening! Please keep praying for me. I'm not quite "there" yet. Thanks, again for your post and previous prayers! Traci L
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