Hair growth works in three month increments. The surgery is shock enough for your system, but the lack of food and nutrients is further shock. That's why most people start losing hair at about three months post-op. They'll lose for about three months, and then the new folicals will start growing new hairs, so they'll grow out from there. Here's the thing.... There really aren't any suppliments that you can take to stop your hair from falling out. BUT! There is something that you can take that will help it start regenerating and growing after the three months of loss. It's what we all should be having on a daily basis. Protein. Protein. Protein.
I for one have been shamefully neglectful to a religious protein regiment, so I'm ten months out and it's still coming out a wee bit. Not as badly as it was when I was three months post-op, but still.
Learn from my mistake and take that protein religiously. It's not just for your hairloss but for many other body functions.
Hope that helps!
BIOTIN BIOTIN BIOTIN,,, that is the answer. It is recommended by many doctors and nutritionists to take biotin 30 days after surgery for up to the first year. You can get it at Walgreens, just a small pill. Biotin helps your hair folicals and nails,,, I went to and ordered biotin pill form and they have a shampoo and conditionair that will help lessen or eliminate the hair loss problem. At first I did not beleive that a vitamin will do that, but my mom had the surgery 2 years ago and she said when she started to loose her hair she did the biotin pills and shampoo and she no longer lost hair and grew back what she lost to begin with. So my recommendation is Biotin,,, stop the problem before it begins! Hope this information proves to be helpful!