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on 7/8/15 9:39 pm - Wilmington, NC
VSG on 11/12/15
Topic: My psychiatrist has just diagnosed me...

I'm bipolar. I also suffer from anxiety/panic attacks and my psychiatrist has recently mentioned that she thinks I suffer from PTSD caused my sexual abuse. I'm concerned that this might affect my weight loss journey. Not because I'll struggle with food but because I don't know how she intends to treat it. I guess looking back I have always had a problem with my weight but after it happened, my weight skyrocketed. I'm not blaming my weight on that, but I did gain over 100 pounds afterwards. I want to be able to deal with all of my problems so that I am successful at losing my weight, keeping it off and truly being happy all the way around. My surgeon mentioned that you can't have mental health issues in order to be approved for the surgery (on the practice website) so my psychiatrist is holding off on listing anything on my chart for now and she wants me to see a therapist. I would really love to eventually wean myself off of medication and use something more homeopathic.  Has anyone else suffered from mental health issues during this process and how did you handle it?



on 6/24/15 3:16 pm
Topic: RE: Question

I did not have the Sleeve (I had the Lap-Band) but in my experience each individual is so very different when it comes to absorption.  After surgery, I had trouble taking ANY medication EVEN CRUSHED!  I, however, managed to prevent being psychiatrically hospitalized.  Generally before surgery you should have stopped taking any slow release and extended release medication and should never be prescribed these types of medication again.


on 6/14/15 6:41 pm - Toronto, Canada
Topic: RE: Can anyone suggest an antidepressant/anti-anxiety medication that does not cause weight gain.

I am a medical writer (I write journal articles for pharmaceutical companies, explaining their clinical data). I have dePression and happen to write for depression, so I have to be familiar with the clinical side effects of antidepressants. I am no doctor, but from what I have read, They all have the potential for weight gain. Some have a greater effect on specific people than others, and there are no predictors for how you will respond with respect to weight gain.

i tried Lexapro, among about 5 others, before I found one that helped my depression. I gained weight initially with the medication I am on, but eventually it stabilizes (meaning, you shouldn't gain an infinite amount of wright). Unfortunately, I would recommend just talking to your doctor and asking for a change. Maybe talk to your bariatric team too. I am sure they have encountered weight gain due to medication and may have specific tips. In my opinion, effective control of depression is the most important aspect. I never want to go back to that dark spot. 

Referral: February 2015; TWH Orientation: April 2015; Social Worker: June 10, 2015: Nurse Practitioner: June 11, 2015; Nutrition Class: June 15, 2015; Psychometry Assessment: June 16, 2015; Nutrition Assessment: July 22, 2015; NP follow-up: July 28, 2015; Surgeon Consult: August 28, 2015; Surgery: November 6, 2015; Operation: VSG

on 6/3/15 7:25 am
VSG on 11/06/14
Topic: RE: Can anyone suggest an antidepressant/anti-anxiety medication that does not cause weight gain.

Lurasidone, (Latuda) is used to treat the symptoms of SCHIZOPHRENIA and BI-POLAR DISORDER and is in a class of medications called ATYPICAL ANTIPSYCHOTICS. They should never be prescribed for anxiety/panic/OCD or depression. Maybe try adding a stimulant (Adderall, Vyvanse, etc.) to the Lexapro. (Strattera is a non-stimulant that works like a stimulant if you want to try something milder.) I have ADHD and anxiety and it is very hard to find that perfect combination that works, as the stimulant may work, but the SSRI doesn't and vice versa. Takes a bit of time, trial and error. Be sure to talk with your doctor first about adding in a stimulant, as it may not be the best thing for your situation and he may just want to try another type of SSRI that doesn't cause the weight gain. And be sure to make a doctor's appointment soon as 30 lbs can easily turn into 60 lbs., etc. You don't want to undo all of your hard work. (Explain to your doctor how extremely important it is that you don't regain all of the weight that you worked so hard to lose.) Good luck to you!


on 5/3/15 8:57 am
Topic: RE: Therapist in Omaha area that specializes with food related issues?

I know how important a therapist is to one's weight loss journey. Have you contacted your surgeon's office for  a list of therapists? They may be able to help you locate one in your area. Good luck.


on 4/28/15 10:59 pm
Topic: New to this forum

Hi my name is Amie I am 44 and was diagnosed with bipolar,depression and ocd last year. 

I had a RNY Nov. 2009. 

Would love to post with others who struggle with mental health problems and the challenges it causes with weight loss. 

"Learn from yesterday,live for today,hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not stop questioning."-Albert Einstein

on 4/22/15 3:00 pm
Topic: RE: Feeling Depressed


This sounds awful. Depression is an extremely complex disease and can occur due to a variety of reasons like medical illness, life changes like a move or death of a loved one and many more. Don't let this take over you. I had eating disorders due to excess work related stress. Later I realized I am suffering from bulimia. I came across bellwood health service reviews on treating eating disorders and gave it a try. I am glad to tell to this really made my life take a new turn and I am with the results.

on 3/12/15 8:21 am - Woodbridge, VA
RNY on 06/19/12 with
Topic: RE: Therapist in Omaha area that specializes with food related issues?

I'm so disappointed there weren't any responses to your post!!  I'm logging on (for the first time in two years) for the EXACT same reason!  I KNOW WE ARE NOT ALONE! But where is everyone? Why are so few of the posts in the mental health forum have any replies?

In my opinion, finding a therapist who is not only familiar with our eating issues but also recognizes & respects that they are uniquely ours.  Of course there are some consistencies with any number of other mental health issues.  But please don't think that I will respond with the same cookie cutter approach. And for heaven's sake don't tell me if I just "eat less and move more", it will all work out ducky.

RKLC2002 - I've been telling my friends (many of them WLS success stories) that I truly believe we are trail blazers. Surgery is awesome but it is only one piece of the puzzle. Please don't get discouraged!! It's been three months since you first posted this (only one other person has posted in the Mental Health forum since then?!) I hope you've been able to find a great therapist - either way I'd love to hear about your journey!

on 2/28/15 5:55 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Topic: RE: Heard of this drug?

My son takes it and it is supposed to help with weight loss also.  He has only been on it a few weeks, so not sure of its effectiveness yet.

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