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Patricia R.
on 6/29/10 7:29 pm - Perry, MI
Topic: RE: really struggling with meds post-op HELP
If you are bipolar, Cymbalta will help with the depression, but not the manic phases.  I am on Cymbalta, Buspar and Risperdal.  The Risperdal is what helps the manic phases in me.

I have not had any malabsorption issues, but I am low on B12 and Iron, and find that causes me to feel down, and not motivated to do anything.  I get B12 shots, and iron IV infusions.  

Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and the manic stuff, and ask for something for that. 

How is your exercise program going?  That effects mental health as well.

Are you in psychotherapy?  That is an important component also.  Medication only helps so much, therapy helps examine behavior and change.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 6/29/10 6:05 pm - putnam, CT
RNY on 12/15/09 with
Topic: really struggling with meds post-op HELP
I have found that my meds do not work as well as they did pre-op, i knew before surgery that the extended release would not work well, and was changed from effexor XR to just regular effexor... and was doing ok, but then a month or so ago i started to really struggle, having periods of being very depressed or anxious and then ok and it would change moment to moment and something simple would set me off... i went to see my dr the other day and she changed me to cymbalta and although i started at 60 i am now up to 120, i feel sooo horrible.  I was doing some research online about meds with RNY and a lot came up about bipolar etc and reading everything sounds like what i am experiencing... well the hypomanic and bipolar II... i dont hallucinate... although i also found that the hypomanic can be medication induced... i also just had my 6 month lab work and my iron is low (i dont know about anything else, becuase as it was i had to pry that out of the nurse, the dr will call me with the results in a week or two- retarded) so i dont know how much of anything has to do with my lab results being off... i have no idea what my B12 is, i know that effects antidepressives.  so i guess im looking for ideas and thoughts.. anyone been with any of this? any meds that work well with absorbtion that dont have to be taken a few times  aday (i never remember to take them and so then i with draw all thetime)

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 6/28/10 10:51 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: Grateful Post..

Good Tuesday Morning..

Today I am grateful..

For another day..

For the words I love you..

That I know I will be okay..

That I am loved..

For the ability to make half way decent choices..

Ramon Lopez 
Interview on Please check it out..
Video, about me, made by my best friend Yvonne..
on 6/28/10 10:04 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY
Once we surrendered and came to The Program, many of us wondered what we would do with all that time on our hands.  All the hours we'd previously spent planning, hiding, alibiing, getting loaded, coming down, getting "well", juggling our accounts -- and all the rest -- threatened to turn into empty chunks of time that somehow had to be filled.  We needed new energy previously absorbed by our addictions.  We soon realized that substituting a new and different activity is far easier than just stopping the old activity and putting nothing in its place.  AM I REDIRECTING MY MIND AND ENERGY?

I pray that, once free of the encumbrance of my addicition, I may turn to my Higher Power to discover for me how to fill my time constructively and creatively.  May that same Power that makes human paths cross and links certain people to specific situations, lead me along good new roads into good new places.

Happenstance may be more than chance.


It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

Da Shrinking Dawg

on 6/27/10 11:37 pm - Houston, TX
Topic: Grateful Post..
Good Monday Morning..

Today I am grateful..

For a great weekend..

For self control

For getting to spend time with Stromboli..

For the men that jumped in, so unselfishly, to save my life, when I drowned last year.  When I was spending time with Stromboli I realized had those men not jumped in.  I would not have been able to spend time with him..

For Debra.. Thank you for everything this weekend..  I had a great time.. I love you..
Ramon Lopez 
Interview on Please check it out..
Video, about me, made by my best friend Yvonne..
on 6/27/10 2:23 am - Willingboro, NJ
Topic: RE: Anyone gain weight on Wellbutrin?
I've been on Welbutrin since Oct 2005 and haven't had problems with weight gain due to the meds.  My problem has always been with eating sugar, white flour, and some junk foods.  I know what I am addicted to and I am clean now. 

I know that, when I was put on Welbutrin, I had to be weaned off my former anti-depressant and slowly put on the Welbutrin.  I wouldn't worry about 7 pounds.  Don't go overboard with a slight weight variation.  It may take you a few weeks to get used to the meds.  Allow them to work and do not go into a panic (no one said that you are).  Changing antidepressants may have to be delayed if that is your only course of action.  Ask your shrink if Welbutrin has weight gain as a side effect.  There are many variable that may contribute to gaining up to around 10 pounds or so.  Since you had a revision, you may think you know all that you need to know about your type of surgery.  I had an open distal RNY on 11-14-2000 and had to have another RNY on 01-21-2005 due to staple line disruption.  Unfortunately, I was depressed by the time I had my revision and didn't lose weight as fast as my surgeon wanted me to do.  I talked to my shrink and he wouldn't change my meds to the Welbutrin until I was 9 mos post-op.  But, then I did start losing some weight.

As to reading posts on this forum, you can quickly just pass by the spiritual and grateful posts.  Most people who do that on a regular basis clearly use a subject line stating what they are writing about.  Many other people try to write a clever line on other forums just so they will get a response. 

You may also want to check out the Hunger and Food Troubles Forum.  I know that using the Min Forum has become almost hopeless because it's just overused--kinda like Yogi Berra saying that that place is too crowded because nobody goes there anymore.  Yeah, you can post and hope to get a response from the peopl who are available within the next hour.  I prefer the slower moving forums. 
on 6/27/10 1:59 am - Willingboro, NJ
Topic: RE: wow

again, not on the same meds, but my shrink allows me to split pills but not capsules.  I only had to split pills in the first month or so post op.  You may be able to get meds in liquid form.  The one thing I was told about absorption was to not take any delayed release meds with RNY.  Check with your surgeon and shrink.
on 6/27/10 1:49 am - Willingboro, NJ
I tried OA for 20 years and gained 300 lbs.  My problem is that I had an undiagnosed mental problem.  I am now on medication for manic-depression and I have had talk therapy in the past.  When in OA, I had been a food sponsor and even a step sponsor.  But, I continued to slip.  Although I don't see any sense in going back and working a 12 step program now, I do work steps 1-3, I appreciate the Serenity Prayer, and I now try to live one day at a time.  I've learned from my therapists that 12 step programs are only successful about 33% of the time, but they are the most popular programs.  I've also learned that they are derived from a Rule used in a monastery in the 4th century.  I can see the efficacy of following it in the confines of a monastery.

I'm just a little curious as to using the term sobriety instead of abstinence.  Then, again, I guess more people understand sobriety.

In my case, Abstinence means not eating sugar and white flour.
Sara M.
on 6/24/10 8:46 am - Warren, OH
Topic: RE: Mental Health Issues and WLS
I was worried about the same thing about surgery. i havent gotten clearance yet but she feels i am stable and in control. plus she needed my records from my therapist and shrink. i go back in sept. she wants to make sure i am still stable, plus see what diagnosis i had from my shrink. i definetly see them holding up the surgery if i fall apart or maybe even cancelling it if i ever get admitted. i am not sure. all i know is that i am still cycling about 1 week a month of depression. mood disorder nos with personality traits is my diagnosis i found out. now to see what they think of me now. good luck on your journey, i wish you the best.
on 6/23/10 9:39 pm - ALEXANDRIA, KY

The primary purpose of The Program is freedom from addiction; without that freedom we have nothing.  But that doesn't mean I can say, for example, "Sobriety is my only concern.  Except for my drinking, I'm really a super person, so give me sobriety, and I've got it made."  If I delude myself with such specious nonsense, I'll make so little progress with my real life problems and responsibilities that I'll likely return to my addiction.  That's why The Program's Twelfth Step urges us to "practice these principles in all our affairs."  AM I LIVING JUST TO BE FREE OF CHEMICAL DEPENDENCE, OR ALSO TO LEARN, TO SERVE, AND TO LOVE?

May I relish and be grateful for my sobriety, which is where all good things begin.  But let me not stop at that and give up trying to understand myself, the nature of God and of humanity.  Freedom from dependency is the first freedom.  May I be certain that there are more to come -- freedom from tight-mindedness, from the unrest of bottled-up feelings, from over-dependence on others, from a Godless existence.  May The Program which answered my acute needs also answer my chronic ones.

Sobriety is just a beginning.

It is good to have an end to journey towards; but it is the journey that matters in the end.  ~Ursula K. LeGuin

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